Plantain Benefits, Nutrition, Uses, Risk & Recipe Cure
Plantain Benefits, Nutrition, Uses, Risk & Recipe Cure. Please watch this plantain recipe video:
Plantains are high in carbohydrates and a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The antioxidants found in them also combat free radicals. They can also boost immunological function if they get adequate amounts of vitamin C. Moreover, their vitamin B6 content may elevate mood and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Plantain Benefits: What are plantains?
The plantain, or Musa x paradisiaca, is a type of banana. In addition to being a major food staple in Africa, they are also consumed in Latin America.
In contrast to bananas, plantains are often cooked before consumption. Boiling, baking, and frying are examples of cooking techniques.
Additionally, plantains can be consumed at various stages of maturity, ranging from green to yellow and black.
Green plantains can be dried and ground to make flour, which is used in West Indian and Caribbean cuisine.
Plantain Benefits: Nutritional Data
A low-fat source of fiber and starchy carbohydrates is plantains. They also have healthy concentrations of minerals and vitamins, such as potassium and vitamin C.
In addition, one cup of plantains provides the following amounts of vitamins and minerals toward a person’s recommended daily value (DV):
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1 cup of baked yellow plantains contains:
- 239 calories
- 5 grams (g) of carbs
- 1 g of protein
- 2 g of fat
- 06 g of fiber
Plantains also contain vitamins and minerals, with 1 cup contributing the following amounts toward a person’s recommended daily value (DV):
Nutrient | Quantity in 1 cup of baked yellow plantain | % of DV |
Vitamin a | 62.6 micrograms | 7% |
Vitamin c | 22.8 milligrams (mg) | 25% |
Vitamin b6 | 0.29 mg | 17% |
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Plantain peel tea benefits and side effects
Plantain peels have antioxidant qualities, but they also include substances that may be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-cancer.
Peels may assist in enhancing heart health, lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood sugar levels, according to certain research.
Unripe plantain peel tea benefits for weight loss: is boiled green plantain good for weight loss?
One of the best sources of resistant starch, a kind of fiber that is uncommon in diets, is green plantains.
When you eat resistant starch, your blood sugar rises more slowly than when you eat other forms of carbohydrates because it goes through your system mainly undigested.
Both weight control and type 2 diabetes may benefit from this.
What is the benefit of boiled plantain peel?
According to the studies mentioned above, NPF is a good source of minerals, other nutrients, and carbs from food. They can have a significant impact on intestinal control by increasing fecal volume and decreasing intestinal transit since they are an excellent source of fiber, particularly insoluble dietary fiber.

What are the calories in unripe plantains?
Fitness Pal estimates that 100 grams of cooked, unripe plantains have 116 calories.
What is an unripe plantain nutritional fact?
Serving size of 1 medium (179g) raw unripe (green) plantain contains:
Calories: 220
- Carbohydrate: 57 grams (g)
- Fiber: 4 grams (g)
- Fat: 0.5 grams (g)
- Protein: 2 grams (g)
- Vitamin A: 360 micrograms (ug)
- Vitamin b6: 0.44 milligram (mg)
- Vitamin C: 45 micrograms (ug)
- Potassium: 739 milligrams (mg)
- Magnesium: 66.2 milligram (mg)
- Zinc: 0.3 milligrams (mg)
- Iron: 1.1 milligrams (mg)
Note that the nutritional value changes slightly after cooking.
How do I prepare plantains for weight loss? Is swallowing unripe plantains good for weight loss?
The high resistant starch content of unripe plantains significantly aids in weight loss.
Does plantain aid with weight loss?
Plantains can aid in losing weight. A 100-gram serving of plantains supplies around 8% of the daily required fiber intake.
There is no fat-burning effect from the fiber. But because high-fiber foods typically have a lower energy density—that is, fewer calories per gram of food—they aid in weight loss.
Plantain Benefits: What are the benefits of plantains for weight loss?
Complex carbohydrates are contained in plantains’ fiber and starch. Compared to simple carbohydrates found in processed foods, fiber, and complex carbohydrates are less processed and digested more slowly.
After a meal, they help you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer, which may reduce the number of harmful snacks you eat.
Unripe plantain peel tea side effects: What are the side effects of plantain leaf tea?
The leaves of plantain weed are safe to eat raw or cooked for the majority of healthy adults. On the other hand, plantain supplementation may result in mild symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, and skin sensitivities.
Plantain Benefits: What is the benefit of drinking plantain leaf water?
Benefits of plantain leaves for the body:
Indigestion, Heartburn, and Ulcers: Making tea or tincture from the leaves is said to assist with heartburn, indigestion, and ulcers. Plantain leaves are a natural diuretic that, when consumed, are thought to make people urinate more often
What is the botanical name for a plantain?
Musa paradisiaca is the plantain’s scientific name.
What are unripe plantain calories?
According to FitnessPal, the calories in 100 grams of unripe plantains are 116.
Medicine in unlikely plant parts: plantain peels. Benefits of ripe plantain peels and benefits of unripe plantain peels
Get ready to be in awe! We’ll share the amazing advantages that both ripe and unripe plantain peels can have for you below. Now let’s go!
There are numerous external and internal health benefits to plantain peel.
The plantain plant, particularly its peels, has several pharmacological properties, including anti-ulcer, analgesic, wound-healing, promoter of hair development, and hemostatic activity.
It contains significant levels of vitamin A, sorbitol, aucubin, baicalein, apigenin, linoleic acid, oleanolic acid, and tannin, all of which can soften skin, accelerate cell regeneration, and enhance wound healing.
It can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions and flaws, including acne, allergies, and wrinkles. Because plantain peel tightens and tones the skin, rubbing it on your skin is one approach to getting rid of wrinkles.
According to those who have used ripe plantain peels for skin care, rubbing the peel on the face can help minimize wrinkles and brighten the skin. You can also try applying a freshly opened, ripe plantain peel to closed eyes to reduce puffiness or fade acne scars.
Peels have demonstrated potential in the chemical sector for the production of significant compounds like ethanol and alkali for soap production.
According to reports, it has demonstrated potential as a raw material that could find practical industrial uses, particularly in agro-based industries.
It has been suggested that the peels be used as an organic fertilizer to improve soil quality and increase crop productivity. According to reports, peels might be a decent replacement for cornstarch in the diet of snails. Pigs also eat them together with other waste products.
Additionally, peel-derived flour has allegedly been utilized in the food industry to enhance wheat flour at different percentages to make snacks like cookies and sausages. This flour is rich in fiber and antioxidants, and it may help people manage and prevent diseases linked to their way of life.
Many studies have documented the antifungal and antibacterial properties of various plantain sections, particularly the peel, for the treatment of a wide range of illnesses.
The peel’s ethanol extracts successfully fought off eight human pathogenic microorganisms, which included three fungi and five bacteria. These pathogens have been linked to several human illnesses.
Therefore, it has been suggested that peel extracts be used in pharmaceutical and medicinal compositions.
So, save those peels for the next time you have a tasty plantain dish—they might well hold the key to a longer, better life!
What makes unripe plantains different from ripe plantains?
Bananas and plantains are closely related. They are merely larger, starchier, and less sweet varieties of bananas.
The taste, color, and nutritional profile of unripe plantains differ from those of ripe plantains.
Therefore, in addition to the physical variations, ripe and unripe plantains differ significantly in terms of their nutrients.
Plantains are usually always cooked, fried, or grilled before consumption, in contrast to bananas.
In actuality, plantains are occasionally referred to as “cooking bananas.”
Plantains now have three primary ripening points.
Green plantain | Yellow plantain | Black plantain |
Unripe | Ripe | Over-ripe |
Fairly hard pulp (outer skin) and inside | Fairly soft pulp (outer skin) and inside | Very soft pulp (outer skin) and inside |
Starchy and less sweet (like Irish potatoes) | Slightly sweet | Very sweet |
Best for making chips | Also best when fried, cooked, or grilled | Best baked and for other overripe plantain recipes |
Disadvantages and side effects of unripe plantain
The following are some drawbacks and adverse effects of consuming green, unripe plantains:
• Ripe plantains taste much better than green ones.
• Compared to ripe plantains, unripe (green) plantains have lower antioxidant levels.
- Unripe plantains have a greater resistant starch content, which might lead to some discomfort and bloating.
- Antioxidant levels rise with the age of the plantain.
• As with any food, eating plantains can cause allergies in certain people. Popular allergy symptoms include difficulty breathing, tongue, lip, and throat swelling, as well as other similar symptoms.
Unripe Plantain Recipe
There are dozens of unripe (or green) plantain recipes.
However, I’ll be sharing with you a very important recipe for weight loss
Here is the recipe:
Weight-loss unripe plantain recipe.
This recipe is well-balanced, filling, and tastes wonderful. That’s what makes it an outstanding weight-loss recipe.
- 4 unripe (or green) plantains
- A bunch of scent leaf
- ½ cup of crayfish
- Smoked fish
- 1 onion (medium size)
- ¼ cup of palm oil
- 1 bunch of ugwu (pumpkin leaf)
- Seasoning cube (Maggi)
- Seasoning powder
- Salt to taste
- Peel and dice your plantain.
- Secondly, put the diced plantain into a pot and add palm oil, sliced onions, a seasoning cube, salt, and water. Cook till the plantain gets tender
- After that, add crayfish, smoked fish, and seasoning powder. Then stir and allow to cook for ten more minutes.
- Then, add your scent leaf and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
- Finally, add in your ugwu leaf and a pinch of salt, stir, and let it cook for another two minutes.
- Remove from heat and serve!
Remember to give the above recipe for unripe plantains a try.