18 Health Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves/Bitter Gourd Leaves,
Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves/Bitter Gourd Leaves & Fruits. Please Watch >>>>

Ejinrin is a name that is given in Yoruba land, in English is bitter gourd leaves. Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves include;
18 Health Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves: Bitter Gourd Leaves/Ejinrin Leaves
Common name: Bitter melon, bitter apple, bitter gourd, bitter squash, or balsam-pears are some of the common names for this fruit. Daddasu (Yoruba), Ewe Ejinri (Yoruba), Okwunuolo (Igbo) (Hausa).
This leaf is also known as irighirighi in Igbo (in other languages, please identify the image and tell us what it’s named in their dialect).
Momordica charantia is the botanical name for this plant. Cucurbits are a plant that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It’s quite bitter.
The fruit and leaves are the parts of the plant that are consumed and utilized for various medical purposes.
While we may have been critical of its bitter taste, we must not overlook its immense medical potential. Bitter gourd leaf (ewe ejirin in Yoruba) has a wide range of medicinal uses.
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Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves and why it should be part of your diet
Bitter gourd is an essential part of your diet (commonly known in Hindi as karela). It promotes weight loss and aids in diabetic management. We will also show you how to make it more appealing.
Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves: What is the best way to eat bitter gourd?
Bitter gourd can be eaten as a vegetable, juiced, or blended into a smoothie with apples and spinach. You can eat it as a soup, bake it into chips, make parathas out of it, or create chutney and pickle.
Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves: How to make bitter gourd less bitter
- To decrease the bitterness of the drink, First, mix it with honey or jaggery, or serve it with sweet fruits like apples or pears.
- Similarly, you can even add lemon juice to soften the bitter melon juice’s flavor.
- After that, reduce the tartiness with a pinch of black pepper and ginger.
- Lastly, the flavor, on the other hand, must be developed because, despite its name, bitter gourd is sweet for your health.
Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves: Process of Preparation and Use
- Juice leaves and takes a teaspoon daily for coughs, fevers, worms, diarrhea, and diabetes.
- The fruit and leaves can be juiced and consumed orally for different diseases.
- Apply warmed leaves to the affected region for headaches, wounds, burns, and skin problems.
- To cure hemorrhoids, powdered leaves and a root decoction can be used as an astringent.
The Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves: Bitter Gourd Nutritional Value (ewe ejirin)
Bitter gourd juice is high in various minerals, including iron, magnesium, and vitamin A, as well as potassium and vitamin C.
It has double the calcium of spinach, twice the beta-carotene of broccoli, and twice the potassium of a banana, making it a good source of dietary fiber.
Antioxidants, folate, Vitamin A, B-complex, flavonoids, and zinc are also present.
Bitter Gourd Health Benefits
- Controls Blood Sugar Levels
Bitter Gourd is known for preventing diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and reducing insulin resistance.
In type II diabetics, regular drinking of this tea has even reduced abnormally high sugar levels.
Polypeptide-P, plant insulin, is found in vegetables and helps to reduce blood sugar levels. It also contains charantin, a component that improves glucose absorption.
Its leaves, which are consumed as tea and juice, are an alternative diabetes treatment. Its juice also helps to purify the blood.
However, persons who have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) should avoid taking this herbal supplement. Any changes in medical therapy should always be discussed with your doctor.
Furthermore, while butter gourd leaves or tea can help reduce blood sugar levels, it is not a stand-alone treatment for diabetes.
- Reduces levels of harmful cholesterol
“Bitter gourd juice has anti-inflammatory properties
It also aids in the reduction of harmful cholesterol levels in the body.
As a result, the risk of heart attack and stroke is greatly reduced.” It also helps to keep the body’s blood pressure in check since it’s high in potassium, which absorbs excess salt.
It’s high in iron and folic acid, which are known to lower the risk of stroke and maintain your heart in good shape.
- For luscious hair and radiant skin
Want perfect skin? Bitter gourd juice contains potent antioxidants, as well as vitamins A and C, which help to prevent premature skin aging and wrinkles.
Furthermore, it helps to minimize acne, treat eczema and psoriasis, and protect the skin from damaging UV radiation.
Vitamin A, vitamin C, Biotin, and Zinc are all nutrients that give your hair shine and gloss.
Applying bitter gourd juice on your scalp regularly can help to prevent hair loss and greying, heal split ends and rough hair, fight dandruff, and relieve itching.
Bitter gourd juice can be used straight to the scalp to prevent hair loss, or mixed with curd and massaged into the scalp and hair for conditioning.
Make a hair mask with bitter gourd juice, cumin seed paste, and a spoonful of lime juice to treat dandruff. Allow 30 minutes before rinsing.
- Hangovers are cured, and the liver is cleansed.
After a wild night of partying, do you have too much alcohol in your system?
You can get rid of it quickly by drinking bitter gourd juice, which flushes out the alcoholic intoxication that has built up in your liver.
The juice cleanses your bowels and treats a variety of liver ailments.
- It aids with weight loss.
Bitter gourd is a low-calorie, low-fat, and low-carbohydrate vegetable. It keeps you fuller for longer, making it easy to incorporate into your weight-loss regimen.
- Prevents Obesity
The herbal medication keeps fat cells from forming in the body. Bitter gourd leaves tea achieves this by dissolving triglycerides and fatty acids, allowing them to be digested rather than stored.
- Slows Aging
The tea contains vitamin C, which gives your skin a natural boost. By clearing out toxins and forming new cells, the vitamin helps to revitalize the tissues.
- Defeats Cancer
Bitter Gourd is an excellent way to guard against both known and unknown health risks. Its phytonutrient store sweeps through the body, neutralizing oxidative damage to individual cells.
These strong antioxidants restore normalcy to potentially cancer-causing cells.
- Treats Infections
Bitter gourd is known for its medicinal benefits throughout the world. Bitter gourd tea, which has antibacterial properties, can also be used to treat mild infections.
This herbal remedy can treat fever, cough, and infected wounds naturally.
- Problems with the eyes
Ampalaya juice is also used to treat sty and irritated eyes, as well as other eye issues. It is claimed to improve eyesight and prevent cataracts from developing.
- Respiratory ailments
The juice from the fruit and leaves is used to treat asthma, wheezing cough, bronchitis, and pharyngitis, among other respiratory ailments.
- Stomach problems
Bitter gourd leaf extract is a folklore cure for indigestion, dyspepsia, parasite infestation, diarrhea, and constipation, among other stomach aches and disorders.
- Immune system booster
Bitter gourd is also used to strengthen the immune system and as a supplement to help the body withstand illness.
- Menopause
The bitter gourd tea is used to treat the pain and discomfort that comes with menopause.
- Anti-inflammatory properties
Its leaf extract, when mixed with coconut oil, is used to treat gout, arthritis, rheumatism, and other bodily aches and pains.
- Cholesterol management
Bitter gourd leaves are also commonly used to lower blood cholesterol levels, which helps to avoid plaque buildup along arterial walls.
- Hemorrhoids
Ampalaya is used to treat hemorrhoids as an astringent.
- Contraceptive
It has been used as an abortifacient and a contraceptive in folklore medicine to prevent conception.
Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves: Bitter Gourd Tea Preparation
- To make bitter gourd tea, firstly, cut thin slices from the bitter gourd. Leave the skin intact
- Secondly, you can also use the plant’s leaves. Then, remove the slices or leaves and place them in a pot of boiling water.
- After that, cook for 5–10 minutes, until the slices/leaves have steep
- Then, remove the slices/leaves from the broth and serve.
- Lastly, to counteract the bitterness, sweets can be added.
People also want to know more about Bitter Melon’s uses and potential benefits, such as dosage guidelines, side effects, interactions, and safety/efficacy.
What is the English of Ejinrin?
Okwunuolo (Igbo), Daddasu (Hausa), and Ejirin are the local names (Yoruba). Momordicacharantia (Botanical Name)
Cucurbitaceae family (gourd family).
Balsam pear, bitter gourd, bitter melon, karela, wild cucumber, and bitter cucumber are some of the common names for this plant.
What diseases can bitter gourd treat?
Bitter gourd has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that aid in the excretion of toxins from our blood and liver as well as the healing of many liver conditions.
Bitter gourd improves our gut health and treats a variety of intestinal conditions, including constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Is it healthy to eat bitter gourd leaves?
The leaves are high in potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese, and copper, as well as carotene, tocopherol, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and ascorbic acid, with traces of vitamins B3, B6, D, and K.
What happens if you consume bitter gourd daily?
Bitter melon, when consumed in moderation, can be a healthy and nutritious addition to your diet.
However, consuming large amounts of bitter melon or taking bitter melon supplements may result in several negative side effects.
Bitter melon, in particular, has been linked to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.
Where does Ejinrin come from? Origin
Iwulo ewe ejinrin is a multi-tribal community where people from various cultural backgrounds have coexisted peacefully and harmoniously for several decades.
The majority of the people are Yorubas from Southwest Nigeria. They also house other Nigerians such as Edos, Hausas, Ijaws, Urhobos, Igbos, and many other ethnic groups.
Is bitter melon beneficial to the liver?
These findings suggest that EtOAc-soluble constituents in bitter melon fruit may improve lipid accumulation in the liver during obesity, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
What conditions does bitter leaf heal?
It is known as bitter leaf and has anti-cancer, anti-bacteria, anti-malarial, and anti-parasitic properties
This plant contains a variety of active components that are pharmacologically beneficial
Does bitter gourd cleanse the liver?
A cleanser for the Liver
Bitter gourd is beneficial to the liver and detoxifies it. It increases liver enzymes and is a good hangover cure because it reduces alcohol deposits in the liver.
Consuming karela is also beneficial to the bladder and the gut.
Can bitter leaf help with diabetes?
The bitter leaf of neem is an effective treatment for diabetes because it contains flavonoids, triterpenoids, anti-viral compounds, and glycosides that may help manage blood sugar levels.
Is it safe to eat bitter gourd leaves for kidneys?
Bottle gourd, snake gourd, ridge gourd, striped gourd, bitter gourd, and other gourds are among the many varieties of gourds.
These gourds have low sodium and potassium levels. As a result, they are ideal for people with kidney problems to consume.
Ewe ejinrin for fertility ~ How to use ewe Akoko for fertility
It is used to treat infertility issues by balancing hormones, irregular menstruation, adhesion (pelvic inflammation or pelvic organ), ovulation, and increasing your chances of conception. Without ovulation, pregnancy is impossible.
The majority of women who are trying to conceive do not ovulate. It is possible to not ovulate but still have your period. It’s known as the Anovulatory cycle.
However, to boost your fertility, and ovulation, increase libido and increase your chances of getting pregnant, you can use fertility leaves known as EWE AKOKO (in Yoruba), OGIRISI (in Igbo), ADURUKU (in Hausa), AND EWE IYEYE (Yoruba) IJIKARA (in Hausa).
What is the work of Ejinrin and how to use it?
Bitter gourd leaf (ewe ejirin in Yoruba) has a variety of healing properties and its blood sugar-lowering action has been clinically validated.
Also used as a liver tonic, anti-tumor, anti-cancer, immune system stimulant, antioxidant, antibacterial, and cholesterol reducer
Ewe ejinrin,ati omi agbon,ao fi omi agbon gbo ewe ejinrin yi dada ao ma,ao ma mu laro laro…odaju.
Spiritual benefits of ewe ejirin
A bitter gourd, Ejirin, is good for cleansing; you can bathe in its water and use the leaf as a sponge.
This is beneficial for those who complain about spiritual attacks.
What are the advantages of bitter melon leaves?
Bitter melon fruits and leaves have long been used for medicinal purposes in the Amazon.
The leaves are used as an anti-viral aid in Peru to help reduce the symptoms of measles and malaria.
Bitter melon leaves are also used in Nicaragua to treat diabetes, and hypertension, and to aid in childbirth.