Fried Egg Calories & Nutrition Facts
Fried Egg Calories & Nutrition Facts
- Fried egg calories ~ Calories in Fried Eggs
- Calories of one Fried Egg, Is Fried Egg healthy?
- How many calories does One Fried Egg have?
- Egg Recipes
Fried Egg Calories & Nutrition Facts

A fried egg contains 109 calories. Carbohydrates account for 0 calories, proteins account for 27 calories, and fat accounts for the remaining 82 calories.
One Fried Egg provides about 5% of the total daily calorie requirement of 2,000 calories of a standard adult diet.
Calories in eggs
Eggs are low in calories by nature. In fact, a medium-sized Egg contains approximately 66.
Even better, eggs are high in nutrients and keep you fuller for longer than many other foods.
As a result, the calories you consume are providing excellent value.
What is the calorie count of an egg? How many calories are in an egg?
A single large raw egg contains approximately 72 calories.
That number rises as the egg is cooked, with a boiled egg clocking in at 78 and a fried egg at about 90.
(Keep in mind that the calorie count of the egg will increase depending on whether it is fried in oil or butter.)
Does cooking affect the calories in an egg?
The answer is that it depends on how you prepare them. If you add butter to your scrambled eggs or use oil to cook a fried egg, you’re adding calories – and saturated fats – to your diet. Poaching or boiling your eggs, on the other hand, will not increase their calorie or fat content.
Even when boiled or poached, a medium-sized egg contains only about 66 calories.
Scrambling an egg with a teaspoon of butter (no milk) or frying it in a teaspoon of olive oil adds about 37 calories and 4.4g of fat.
You can reduce calories by reducing the amount of fat you use.
Nutritional value of fried eggs ~ Fried egg nutrition
Fried eggs, like other types of eggs, are high in nutrients and can contribute to a healthy diet when eaten as part of a balanced meal.
The type of fat used in the pan, on the other hand, is critical.
Choose healthier oils high in monounsaturated fats, such as rapeseed or olive oil, or sunflower oil high in polyunsaturated fats, but use them sparingly because the more fat you use, the more calories you add
Use a nonstick pan and spray oil to cook with the least amount of fat.
Nutritional values for a large egg fried in a small amount of oil are as follows:
- 110kcals of energy
- 2g protein
- 9g total fat
- Salt 0.2g
- Saturated fat 1.9g
Calories and other nutritional values will be slightly lower if you use medium eggs rather than large eggs.
Recipe for Fried Eggs ~ Fried Egg recipe
Ideal healthy fried egg | how to fry an egg | how to make fried eggs | with step-by-step instructions
Fried eggs are a delicious breakfast option for any day of the week. Do you want to learn how to fry an egg?
Begin your day in style with this delectable Fried Egg. It’s not difficult to fry an egg.
The egg is cracked on a nonstick frying pan and seasoned with basic salt and pepper.
The crispy golden fried eggs are also a visual treat. This simple and quick dish must be served right away to enjoy its soft yet slightly crisp texture.
It’s a great breakfast when paired with toast or bread.
- To make a fried egg firstly, heat ½ tsp oil in a small nonstick pan and crack one egg on it.
- Then, sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute on medium heat.
- After that, turn the egg over with a wooden spatula and cook for a few seconds on medium heat.
- Repeat steps 1–3 to make another fried egg. Serve right away.
This perfect fried egg is a nourishing fare because it is cooked in minimal oil. With 6.7 g of protein per fried egg, you’ll be satisfied for hours.
The protein will aid in muscle development and cell growth.
It can be served to anyone, from children to adults to senior citizens, and even to pregnant mothers
Cooking Tips on How to Make a Fried Egg
- After adding the oil to the pan, tilt it to evenly distribute the oil.
- Do not break the eggs ahead of time. Crack it on the pan and add it directly to the pan.
- When flipping the fried egg, use a wooden spatula. It can be ripped with a steel flat spoon.
- Do not overcook it after turning it over, or it will become chewy.
Yes, this is healthy. However, some people are subject to restrictions.
7 Health Benefits of Eggs
- Eggs are a low-cost, high-quality protein-rich food that contains all nine essential amino acids. One egg (50 g) has about 87 calories and 6.7 g of protein. Those who avoid non-vegetarian foods such as meat and fish can rely on eggs as a complete protein source.
- They are also a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus… All of these nutrients, along with protein, contribute to the formation of strong bones and the prevention of osteoporosis.
- Eggs are also high in vitamins such as vitamin A (essential for healthy eyes) and B vitamins (vitamin B2, B3, B6, and B9).
- The iron in it ensures a steady supply of oxygen, preventing fatigue throughout the day.
- Eggs have a high satiety value while adding only a few calories. As a result, they avoid unnecessary bingeing and promote weight loss. Scrambled and boiled eggs are preferable to the fried option. The reason is simple: none of us want to expand our waistlines.
- Because of the presence of choline in eggs, they are considered brain food. This benefits us by increasing the concentration by keeping the brain cells well-nourished.
- Eggs are an excellent source of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to protect against macular degeneration and delay the onset of cataracts.
They also reduce inflammation in the body and scavenge free radicals, protecting all of the organs and cells.
Can diabetics, heart patients, and obese people eat Fried eggs?
Yes, this recipe is beneficial to diabetics, the heart, and weight loss.
Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available for breakfast.
Fried eggs provide very few calories while also providing a good source of protein, B vitamins, calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, and iron.
Due to the presence of choline in eggs, they are considered brain food.
Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant that is beneficial to the heart. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
This is one of the healthiest oils you can opt for.
Fried egg contains a lot of –
- Folic acid is an essential vitamin that is required throughout pregnancy.
A recipe is considered high in a vitamin or mineral if it contains 20% or more of the recommended daily allowance based on a 2,000-calorie diet.
Boiled egg calories
155 calories
Is boiled egg good for weight loss?
Weight Loss
Hard-boiled eggs are a great source of lean protein for weight loss.
They’ll fill you up without consuming too many calories, which is beneficial if you’re trying to lose weight.
Fried Egg calories 100g
201 calories
There are 201 calories in 100 grams of Fried Egg.
Half-fried egg calories
92 calories
A half-fried egg has 92 calories compared to 71 calories in a boiled egg
The increase in calories is solely due to the addition of ingredients such as butter or oil, which are used to enhance the flavor.
Calories in scrambled eggs
148 calories
Protein from fried eggs ~ Fried egg protein
A large, whole hard-boiled egg contains 6.3 grams of protein as well. At 6.26 grams of protein, a large whole-fried egg contains slightly less.
Fried egg calories with oil
The calorie value of a large fried egg will vary depending on how much fat you use and whether or not you drain it, but it could range from 85 calories if only using a little spray oil to 120 calories if frying in a few tablespoons of oil and not draining it.
Large fried egg calories
90 calories
A large fried egg contains 90 calories. A single, large scrambled egg contains 91 calories, probably due to the addition of milk, and a large egg that’s been cooked in an omelet has 94 calories.
2 fried Egg Calories
There are 185 calories in 2 large Fried Eggs.
Carbs in Fried Egg
Fried Egg (1 small) has 0.3g total carbs, 0.3g net carbs, 5.6g fat, 4.7g protein, and 70 calories.
What Is the Healthiest Way to Cook and Eat Eggs? A review of the different cooking methods
Eggs can be cooked in many different ways, including;
- Boiled
- Poached
- Fried
- Baked
- Scrambled
- Omelet
- Microwaved
Choose poached or boiled eggs if you’re watching your calories.
Because these cooking methods do not add any extra fat calories, the meal will be lower in calories than fried, scrambled, or omelet eggs.
Choose a low-calorie cooking method, combine them with vegetables, fry them in a heat-stable oil, and don’t overcook them to make them as healthy as possible.
Fried egg calories vs boiled ~ Hard-Boiled vs Fried
One large hard-boiled egg, for example, has 77 calories and 5.3 grams of fat, whereas one large fried egg has 90 calories and 7 grams of fat (1, 28).
Aside from the fat and calorie content, the vitamin and mineral profiles of hard-boiled and fried eggs are very similar.
Are Fried Eggs high in calories?
A boiled egg has about 78 calories, while a poached egg has about 71 calories.
Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, and omelets, on the other hand, have the most calories (around 90).
Why are fried eggs unhealthier?
According to one study, boiling, frying, or microwaving eggs can reduce their antioxidant content.
When eggs are heated to high temperatures, such as when frying or processing them, the cholesterol can oxidize.
This has been linked to a number of health issues and diseases.
How healthy is fried eggs?
Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available for breakfast.
Fried eggs provide very few calories while also providing a good source of protein, B vitamins, calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, and iron.
Because of the presence of choline in eggs, they are considered brain food.
How many calories should I eat a day?
Adult females require 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day, while adult males require 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day, according to the USDA’s latest “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” report released in 2022
Which is a better and healthier option; fried or the boiled egg?
Boiled eggs are more nutritious than other types of eggs because they are cooked without the addition of calories and fat from oil or butter.
One large fried egg, on the other hand, contains 90 calories and 6.83 grams of fat, of which 2 grams are saturated.