Yam Leave ~ Health Benefits of Yam Leaves
Yam Leave ~ Health Benefits of Yam Leaves
- Health Benefits & Nutritional Value of Yam Leaves
- Yam Leaf Recipes: Delicious Ways to Enjoy Stir-Fried Sweet Potato Leaves
Yam Leave ~ Health Benefits of Yam Leaves
The yam leaves, also known as sweet potato leaves, are a good source of vitamin C to boost immunity while reducing inflammation, vitamin A to keep organs functioning normally, vitamin K to hasten wound healing, and fiber to keep the digestive system in check.

The Yam Leaf
Tropical areas of the world are the home of the yam leaf plant. It has been used for many years as a treatment for various illnesses.
The yam leaves can be used to make tea or eaten fresh or dried. Inflammation is said to be reduced, the immune system is supposedly strengthened, and digestion is aided by yam leaf tea.
Possible Health Benefits of Yam Leaves
Yam leaves are perennial herbaceous vines that are cultivated in many regions of the world, particularly in West Africa, South America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania, for the consumption of their starchy tubers.
They are the Ipomoea and Dioscorea families’ edible leaves. The tender, mildly flavored leaves are young when they are harvested. Yam leaves can be used either as a healthy ingredient in food or as medicine.
These plants are related to sweet potatoes and thus share some of their health advantages. Vitamins A, B6, C, and E as well as minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium are abundant in yam leaves.
Additionally, they have antioxidants that can help shield your body from disease. We will go into more detail about yams and the health advantages of yam leaves in this blog post.
What is Yam?
The family Dioscoreae includes yams.
There are about 200 different types of yam, and depending on the variety, the flesh may be white, ivory, yellow, or purple, while the thick skin may be white, pink, or even brownish-black.
Their exterior has a rough and scaly texture while being long and round in shape (often with offshoots called “toes”).
Yams have a starchy and slick texture, and depending on the variety, when cooked, they will either be creamy or even firm.
Their flavor is hardy and earthy, and many varieties have little to no sweetness.
Nutritional Value of Yam ~ Nutrients per Serving
Yam nutrition per 5-inch yam:
- Calories: 112
- Fat: 0 grams
- Cholesterol: 0 grams
- Sodium: 4 grams
- Carbohydrates: 26 grams
- Fiber: 4 grams
- Protein: 2 grams
A single yam packs an astonishing 369% of your daily Vitamin A requirement. Yam’s vitamins and minerals also include vitamin C, calcium, and iron.
What Do Yam Leaves Taste Like?
Sweet yam leaves have a taste somewhat akin to spinach, but after eating, avoid leaving a film on your teeth.
It goes without saying that whenever I see sweet yam leaves at the Asian market, I immediately grab them and add some ginger, garlic, and Shaoxing wine!
Health Benefits of Yam Leaves ~ Benefits of Yam Leaves
In other parts of the world, yam or sweet potato leaves go by a variety of names.
“The reigning veggie queen!” “The plant of longevity!” “The cancer-preventing vegetable!”
Pretty impressive credentials for a vegetable that has always seemed to me to be thrown away.
According to some studies, yam leaves contain higher levels of vitamin B, iron, zinc, protein, antioxidants, and calcium than spinach, celery, carrots, and cucumbers.
They are said to act as an anti-inflammatory, boost metabolism, improve eyesight, lower blood sugar, and enhance immune function.
Other Yam leave benefits include;
- Strengthens the immune system
- May improve eyesight
- Assists in faster wound healing
- Improves digestive health
- Supports bone health
- Fights Inflammation
- Might help in treating rashes and sores in the mouth
- May help reduce appetite

Yam Leaf Recipes
You can find yam leaf recipes online and in a lot of cookbooks.
The leaves can be wrapped around meat or fish before cooking or added to soups, stews, and curries.
Another well-liked way to consume the leaves is in yam leaf tea.
Simply steep the leaves in hot water for 5–10 minutes to make yam leaf tea. As desired, add honey or sugar to sweeten.
Delicious Ways to Enjoy Stir-Fried Sweet Potato Leaves
Pinch each leaf, including the stem, from the main stalk and any other tender parts of the yam or sweet potato using your hands.
Before cooking, thoroughly wash and rinse the food a few times, then set it aside to drain any extra water.
In a wok, heat the oil on medium. After adding the garlic and ginger cook for about a minute.
The sweet yam leaves will now be added after increasing the heat.
Sesame oil, optional Shaoxing wine, freshly ground white pepper, water, salt (to taste), and a dash of sugar are stirred in.
Until all the leaves have wilted, stir and cook for a few minutes.
Right away serve your nutritious stir-fried yam leaves.
Yam leaves should be fresh, green, and free of brown spots when you buy them. Avoid wilted or long-term-stored leaves because they will be less effective.
While dried yam leaves can be kept in an airtight container in a cool, dark location for up to six months, fresh yam leaves can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Although yam leaves have a wide range of potential health benefits, there are either few or no actual medical studies to confirm these benefits.
To better understand how yam leaves can be used medicinally, more studies should be conducted.
Questions People also ask about yam leave
What are the health benefits of three-leaf yam?
Here are 8 possible health and nutrition benefits of yams.
- Packed with nutrition. Yams are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
- Enhance brain function.
- May ease symptoms of menopause.
- May have cancer-fighting properties.
- Reduce inflammation.
- May improve blood sugar control.
- Easy to add to your diet.
Are yam leaves safe to boil and drink?
The yam leaf can be used to make tea or eaten fresh or dried.
Inflammation is said to be reduced, the immune system is supposedly strengthened, and digestion is aided by yam leaf tea.
Vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium are among the vitamins and minerals that the yam leaf is a good source of.
Can you eat yam leaves raw?
They are the Ipomoea and Dioscorea families’ edible leaves. The tender, mildly flavored leaves are young when they are harvested.
Yam leaves can be used either as a healthy ingredient in food or as medicine.
What benefits does water yam have for the body?
Potassium, one of the essential minerals for regulating blood pressure, is abundant in water yam.
Since many people consume more sodium and less potassium-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, their bodies may become dangerously depleted of potassium, which is extremely dangerous for your health.
Can Yam leave lower blood pressure?
Researchers show how yam (Dioscorea species) and cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) leaf extracts can lower blood pressure and even “cure” cancer.
What adverse consequences does water yam have?
However, consuming a lot of wild yams may result in unpleasant side effects like nausea, vomiting, headaches, and digestive problems.
Is yam leaves good for diabetes?
Yams are a good source of fiber, which lowers blood sugar levels. It is suitable for diabetics because it has a low glycemic index score.
Because yam contains 10% of the daily recommended amount of soluble fiber, it helps you feel fuller for longer, which promotes weight loss.
How are yam leaves preserved? What are the benefits of Cocoyam leaves?
Cocoyam leaves also contain a lot of vitamin A along with vitamin C.
They are excellent for preserving visual acuity and guarding against eye conditions like cataracts, myopia, and blindness.
Cocoyam leaves’ high dietary fiber content aids in the digestion and absorption of food.
What is the use of water yam in Nigeria?
A tropical root and tuber crop called water yam is grown there. For many people, it is a significant source of carbohydrates.
Many different recipes, including water yam balls, ojojo (fried water yam), water yam porridge, etc., can use it.
It contains a lot of nutrients, including potashttps://9jafoods.com/water-yam-fritters-aka-ojojo-how-to-make/sium, manganese, and vitamins C and B.
Is water yam good for fertility?
According to research, yams contain an ovulation-stimulating compound that may increase fertility
What makes up water yams – carbs or proteins?
Yam tubers are high in carbohydrates, vitamin C, and necessary minerals. They also contain about 21% of dietary fiber
What are the nutritional facts of water yam?
Nutritional Data for Water Yam (Boiled)
100 grams of boiled water yams have 128.3 calories, 2.5 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, and 27.9 grams of carbohydrates per serving.
Is yam leaves good for diabetes?
Yams are a good source of fiber, which lowers blood sugar levels. It is suitable for diabetics because it has a low glycemic index score.
Because yam contains 10% of the daily recommended amount of soluble fiber, it helps you feel fuller for longer, which promotes weight loss.
Which yam leaves are edible?
It is significant to note that the phrase “yam leaves” refers to edible leaves from the genera Ipomoea and Dioscorea.
The majority of fresh markets and recipes use the term “yam leaves” to describe leaves from the Ipomoea genus, also referred to as “sweet potato leaves.”
Health benefits of yam leaves tea ~ Benefits of Yam Leaves
They are said to act as an anti-inflammatory, boost metabolism, improve eyesight, lower blood sugar, and enhance immune function.
Are yams healthy for people who have had strokes?
Diabetes, heart disease, and stroke risk are all decreased by the yam palm diet.
What is the benefit of yam leaves?
According to some studies, yam leaves contain higher levels of vitamin B, iron, zinc, protein, antioxidants, and calcium than spinach, celery, carrots, and cucumbers.
They are said to act as an anti-inflammatory, boost metabolism, improve eyesight, lower blood sugar, and enhance immune function.
What are the benefits of drinking boiled yam leaves?
The yam leaves, also known as sweet potato leaves, are a good source of vitamin C to boost immunity while reducing inflammation, vitamin A to keep organs functioning normally, vitamin K to hasten wound healing, and fiber to keep the digestive system in check.
Can yam leaves cure stroke ~ what is the best way to cure stroke?
The most effective treatment for ischemic stroke is an intravenous injection of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), also known as alteplase (Activase) or tenecteplase (TNKase).
Within the first three hours, TPA is typically injected into a vein in the arm.
Uses of yam leaves
The yam leaves, also known as sweet potato leaves, are a good source of vitamin C to boost immunity while reducing inflammation, vitamin A to keep organs functioning normally, vitamin K to hasten wound healing, and fiber to keep the digestive system in check.
Benefits of yam leave for strokes ~ Is garlic good for stroke patients?
Prevents stroke
One of nature’s wonder plants, garlic, is also medicinal.
It has an ajoene-containing molecule that prevents blood platelets from gathering in one spot and forming a blood clot, which is known to cause a stroke.
You should eat raw garlic for the best results.
Is yam a protein or a carbohydrate?
Yams are a source of carbohydrates.
For instance, 100g of yams only have 1.5 grams of protein and 27 grams of carbohydrates.