20 Amazing Ejinrin leaves health benefits
20 Amazing Ejinrin leaves health benefits. Please watch >>>>
Ejinrin is a name that is given in Yoruba land, in English is bitter gourd leaves. Common name: Bitter melon, bitter apple, bitter gourd, bitter squash, or balsam-pears are some of the common names for this fruit. Daddasu (Yoruba), Ewe Ejinri (Yoruba), Okwunuolo (Igbo) (Hausa).

This leaf is also known as irighirighi in Igbo. Momordica charantia is the botanical name for this plant. Cucurbits are a plant that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family.
The fruit and leaves are the parts of the plant that are consumed and utilized for various medical purposes. It’s quite bitter. While we may have been critical of its bitter taste, we must not overlook its immense medical potential. Bitter gourd leaf (ewe ejirin in Yoruba) has a wide range of medicinal uses.
Ejinrin leaves health benefits
Benefits of Ejinrin Leaves include:
- Super high fiber content: this leaf is high in fiber, just like a lot of other leaves. As a result, it will contribute to meeting the body’s needs for fiber across the board. The body constantly requests fiber. Thus, providing an adequate amount of fiber is essential. The same health advantages of black quinoa also apply to its high fiber content.
- Boost the digestive system: the fiber content will help control and enhance bowel movements. This feature will result in faster digestion and a healthy digestive system. Additionally, digestive issues like constipation can be resolved when the digestive system improves. Therefore, eating the leaf will result in a healthy digestive system.
- Accelerates the rate of metabolism: the leaf is beneficial for enhancing the body’s metabolism. As a result, the metabolic rate will accelerate. This is a crucial step in the process of turning food into energy by boosting the body’s capacity to absorb oxygen.
- This advantage will result in the body having greater energy to carry out different tasks. The same health advantages of ejinrin juice also apply to its ability to speed up metabolism.
- Prevents diabetes: A bitter gourd can help regulate blood sugar levels. It will function in the same manner as the leaves to regulate blood glucose levels. As a result, eating the leaves will assist in controlling diabetic symptoms and preventing them sooner.
- Handles loss of weight: The amount of fiber and its potential to raise metabolic rate will help with weight management. Consequently, regular leaf consumption can aid in managing weight loss while maintaining a supply of nutrients.
- The same advantages that make whole wheat pasta beneficial for weight loss also apply to managing weight loss naturally.
- Maintaining heart health: Better cardiovascular system management is one of enjirin leaves’ additional health advantages. It will function to maintain the blood vessels’ hdl and ldl levels in equilibrium.
- Consequently, it will be an additional method of maintaining healthy blood vessels and preventing any blood clots. Additionally, it will result in improved blood circulation, which can reduce the risk of experiencing potentially fatal stroke symptoms.
- Prevent heart attack: Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system will help the blood vessels to continue pumping blood and oxygen to support daily activities. Consequently, it will also aid in improving the state of the heart vessels.
- Maintaining a healthy heart and preventing heart attack symptoms might be beneficial. These are the same heart disease advantages of honey that also help prevent heart attacks.
- Manages your blood pressure: Ejirin leaf consumption can aid in blood pressure management. Primarily if you’re feeling anxious or stressed. Consuming the extract from eijin leaves can prevent this.
- It is also beneficial for people who suffer from hypertension disorders.
- Decreases inflammation: Additionally, the leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it may aid in lowering inflammation, which includes joint pain. Arnica has the same health advantages and will also help to relieve inflammation.
- Remedy for urinary problems: Eating the leaves will also help alleviate issues related to the urinary system. Thus, if you have this illness, using a herbal remedy made from ejirin leaves will help you recover more quickly.
- Activates the pancreas: The leaf extract also aids in promoting the pancreas’ primary function of producing vital hormones for the body. The body’s metabolic system can function properly when hormones are secreted in the right amounts.
- Furthermore, the capability of the leave is included to repair any inflammation that might happen in this location. Therefore, regularly consuming the leaves will contribute to the development of a healthier body system.
- Immune stimulant: Eating the leaves will support a healthy immune system. As a result, it will aid in preventing infections and other illnesses. Moreover, it helps facilitate a quicker recovery and prevent side effects.
- Purifies the liver: The ability of bitter gourd or ejirin leaves to assist in eliminating toxins from the body is an incredible reality. Furthermore, it is beneficial to cleanse the liver and prevent any symptoms of jaundice.
- Thus, it may help the body maintain wellness always.
- Abundant supply of folate: Folate is an essential substance that pregnant women need. By protecting the fetus from potential neural tube abnormalities, this mineral promotes healthy prenatal growth.
- The level of folate in bitter gourd is extremely high. It has 25% of the daily amount of this mineral that expectant mothers need.
- Excellent source of nutrients that the fetus needs: A good source of several vitamins and minerals is the bitter gourd. Iron, niacin, potassium, zinc, pyridoxine, magnesium, manganese, and pantothenic acid are among its constituents.
- Given its critical role in the growth of the fetus, it is easy to refer to this vegetable as a superfood.
- Both antibacterial and antioxidant: Pregnant women can fend off dangerous microorganisms with the antioxidant vitamin C found in bitter gourd.
- Additionally, it possesses antibacterial qualities that guard against infections from microorganisms like candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus, which can otherwise result in skin problems. Additionally, it strengthens the expectant moms’ immune.
- Strong antioxidants and vitamins A and C found in bitter gourd juice aid to ward against wrinkles and early aging of the skin.
- In addition, it lessens acne, treats psoriasis and eczema, and shields the skin from harmful UV rays.
- Your hair shines and glosses because of nutrients including zinc, biotin, vitamin C, and vitamin A.
- Regularly applying bitter gourd juice to your scalp will help fight dandruff, mend split ends and rough hair, stop hair loss and graying, and ease itching.
- Cure for hangovers: Bitter gourd juice helps swiftly get rid of it by flushing out the alcohol intoxication that has accumulated in your liver.
- The juice heals several liver conditions and clears your system.
- Menopause-related pain and discomfort can be relieved with ejirin (bitter gourd) leaf tea.
Ejinrin leaves health benefits: Bitter Gourd Nutritional Value (ewe ejirin)
Bitter gourd juice is rich in potassium, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and vitamin A, among other minerals.
It is a good source of dietary fiber since it has twice the calcium, twice the beta-carotene, and twice the potassium of a banana. There are also flavonoids, zinc, vitamin B complex, folate, antioxidants, and vitamin A.
One 124-gram raw bitter gourd fruit will give you:
- Cholesterol: 0 mg
- Carbohydrates: 5 g
- Calcium: 24 milligrams (mg)
- Dietary fiber: 3 g
- Energy: 21 calories
- Fats: 0 g
- Protein: 1 g
- Potassium: 367 mg
- Sodium: 6 mg
- Vitamin A: 30 µg
- Vitamin C: 104 mg
- Water: 117 grams (g)
- Bitter gourd fruit also provides you with B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Bitter Gourd uses
SOUTH AMERICA: Native Americans and locals in the Amazon cultivate bitter melon for food and medicinal purposes. To give beans and soup a bitter or sour taste, the fruit and/or leaves are first parboiled with a pinch of salt to remove some of the bitter flavor.
AFRICA: People in some parts of South Africa and Nigeria drink a glass of bitter gourd juice first thing in the morning to boost their body’s defenses against infection and fortify their immune systems.
ASIA: In India, bitter gourd is a well-liked vegetable that is well-known for helping diabetics with their blood sugar levels. Traditionally, bitter gourd was used to cure diabetes.
Today, it can be purchased commercially in the form of pills, juice, tea made from fruits or leaves, and extracts.
Other general uses of ejinrin (bitter gourd) are listed as follows:
- Drink a teaspoon of leaf juice every day to treat diabetes, diarrhea, worms, coughs, and fever.
- The fruit and leaves can be juiced and consumed orally for different illnesses.
- Apply heated leaves to the affected region in cases of headaches, burns, wounds, and skin conditions.
- Hemorrhoids can be treated with a treatment made from powdered leaves and a root decoction.
Ejirin leaves for fertility ~ bitter gourd uses
It is not possible to get pregnant without ovulation. Most women who are attempting to become pregnant don’t ovulate. You can have your period and not ovulate at the same time. This cycle is called the ovulatory cycle.
Ejirin leaf is used to treat infertility by normalizing hormones, regulating menstruation, reducing adhesion (pelvic inflammation or pelvic organ), stimulating ovulation, and improving fertility.
However, you can utilize fertility leaves known as EWE AKOKO (in Yoruba), OGIRISI (in Igbo), ADURUKU (in Hausa), AND EWE IYEYE (in Yoruba) IJIKARA (in Hausa) to enhance your fertility, ovulation, and chances of becoming pregnant.
Ejinrin leaves health benefits: Bitter Gourd Tea Preparation
- Cut the bitter gourd into thin slices before making the tea; don’t cut the skin.
- The leaves of the plant can also be used: Take off the slices or leaves and put them in a boiling water kettle.
- Cook for a further five to ten minutes or until the slices or leaves have steeped.
- Once the slices or leaves are taken out of the soup, serve.
- Lastly, sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, etc. might be added to balance the bitterness.
How to reduce the bitterness of ejinrin (bitter gourd)
Bitter drinks can be made more palatable by adding honey or jaggery, or by eating them with sweet fruits like apple or pear. To soften the strong flavor of bitter melon juice, you can even mix in some lemon juice.
You can also decrease the sourness by adding some black pepper and ginger. Bitter gourd, despite its name, is sweet for your health, although the flavor takes some getting used to.
Side effects of ejirin (bitter gourd) leaves
Ejirin leaves may have some health advantages for treating a variety of illnesses and symptoms. Consuming these leaves still requires exercising caution, though. Therefore, it is advised to read the following advice to prevent its negative effects:
- Always take little doses at a time: Increased consumption of bitter melon or its supplements may cause moderate side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
- Before using a bitter gourd as a supplement or treatment for your diabetes, especially if you’re using glucose-lowering medication, please speak with your healthcare provider to avoid hypoglycemia.
- Additionally, as bitter gourd has been used in some cultures to prevent pregnancy, minimize its intake if you are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant.
- Take great care not to take natural medication in addition to prescription medication. Given that it could interfere with how the medication functions and prevent a cure.
- Avoid overindulging, especially if you are receiving therapy for hypertension or diabetes. This is to prevent other adverse consequences that can exacerbate the situation. Thus, always just consume what is required.

Conclusion on the Ejinrin Leaves health benefits
It might not happen often to hear the sound of the ejinrin leaves. However, who would have guessed that ejinrin leaves would have certain health benefits? Getting the leaves is also a difficult task.
Given that it only originated in one nation; primarily in Nigeria, where the strategy is widely used and is growing nicely. People in the nation have long used the leaves of this plant, which is widely grown there, for herbal treatment.
This perk is now available in a few more nations. Given that ejinrin leaf extract is effective in treating a few illnesses and their symptoms.
FAQs about Ejinrin leaves health benefits
What is the English of Ejinrin?
The local names are Daddasu (Hausa), Ejirin (Yoruba), and Okwunuolo (Igbo). Momordicacharantia is the botanical name for the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae.
This plant is also known by the names balsam pear, bitter gourd, bitter melon, karela, wild cucumber, and bitter cucumber.
What diseases can bitter gourd treat?
The antibacterial and antioxidant qualities of bitter gourd help repair many liver ailments and help eliminate toxins from our blood and liver.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation are only two of the digestive ailments that bitter gourd addresses and help our gut health.
Is it healthy to eat bitter gourd leaves?
The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, carotene, tocopherol, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese, and copper. There are also trace amounts of vitamins B3, B6, D, and K.
What happens if you consume bitter gourd daily?
When eaten in moderation, bitter melon can be a wholesome and beneficial supplement to your diet.
On the other hand, taking bitter melon pills or ingesting big amounts of the fruit may have several unfavorable side effects. In particular, bitter melon has been connected to vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach aches.
Where does Ejinrin come from? Origin
People from different cultural backgrounds have coexisted happily and harmoniously for several decades in the multi-tribal community of Iwulo ewe ejinrin.
The majority of the population is made up of Southwest Nigerian Yorubas. Along with many other ethnic groups, they also host other Nigerians from the Edo, Hausa, Ijaw, Urhobos, and Igbo tribes.
Is bitter melon beneficial to the liver?
These results imply that components of bitter melon fruit that are soluble in ethanol may help prevent lipid buildup in the liver during obesity, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
What conditions does bitter leaf heal?
Commonly referred to as bitter leaf, it possesses anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-malarial, and anti-parasitic qualities. Numerous chemical ingredients in this plant have positive pharmacological effects.
Does bitter gourd cleanse the liver?
An agent purifying the liver
Bitter gourd detoxifies and benefits the liver. It decreases alcohol deposits in the liver and raises liver enzymes, making it a useful hangover remedy.
Eating karela is also good for the stomach and bladder.
Can bitter leaf help with diabetes?
The bitter leaf of neem includes flavonoids, triterpenoids, antiviral chemicals, and glycosides that may help control blood sugar levels, making it an excellent treatment for diabetes.
Is it safe to eat bitter gourd leaves for kidneys?
There are numerous varieties of gourds, including bottle gourds, snake gourds, ridge gourds, striped gourds, bitter gourds, and others.
The potassium and sodium contents of these gourds are minimal. They are therefore perfect for consumption for those who have kidney issues.
What is the work of Ejinrin and how to use it?
The leaf of the bitter gourd, known in Yoruba as ewe ejirin, has been shown in studies to have several medicinal benefits, including reducing blood sugar.
Additionally; it is utilized as an immune system booster, liver tonic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antitumor, anticancer, and cholesterol lower.