Calamansi Tree ~ Calamondin Semi-Dwarf Plant
Calamansi Tree ~ Calamondin Semi-Dwarf Plant

- Prized in the Philippines.
- Prolific fruit production with small sour orange fruit used as a lime.
- Fragrant blooms enhance this ornamental tree.
- Zesty acid juice, with a sour mandarin flavor.
Calamondin is another name for calamansi. The calamansi tree originated in the Philippines and is well-known for its acidic yet sweet flavor.
The calamansi tree is native to South East Asia. It has a lovely scent as well as a lovely appearance.
It requires a warm tropical and subtropical climate to grow.
Calamansi has a variety of applications, but aside from its health and personal benefits, it may also enhance the appearance of your home.
Because it is not widely available throughout the world
How to Grow Calamansi at Home: Calamansi Development Requirements
The calamansi fruit is a tropical fruit. typically found in South East Asia and commonly planted for ornamental purposes.
It has a lovely appearance as well as a pleasant aroma. Calamansi, like other citrus trees, thrives in warm tropical and subtropical climates.
Prepare the ground
You’ll need well-draining soil whether you’re growing Calamansi in a container or in your yard.
Calamansi trees thrive in dry soil that does not store rainwater and is frequently inundated. Calamansi thrives in soil pH ranges of 5.5 to 6.5. Choose a location with good drainage and full to partial sun.
If you’re growing Calamansi in a container, make sure it’s at least 18 inches wide and 24 inches deep.
Dig a 16-inch-wide and 16-inch-deep hole if you’re growing it outside. Allow roughly 1/2 foot between each hole.
Planting the seeds
Remove the seeds from a Calamansi fruit. There may be numerous seeds in the Calamansi; avoid the large ones and take the little ones.
If you’re planting the seeds in containers, poke holes in the soil with your fingers. Plant the seeds in the holes that have been created.
If you’re planting the seeds in a field, make sure to dig a hole at least 40 cm wide and deep. Plant the seeds, then fill the hole with soil and firmly tamp it down.
Calamansi watering requirements
Calamansi flourishes well in damp soil due to its tropical character.
Actually, when the plant is stressed by the heat of the sun, it produces more blossoms.
Water the Calamansi till the soil feels moist. Young trees typically require 1 inch of water per week.
Water whenever the soil seems dry until the Calamansi establishes itself, which normally takes three to five years.
Exposure to sunlight
Calamansi needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Choose a position with a lot of sunlight if you want to sustain and bear a lot of fruits all year.
The tree’s output is increased by sunlight and temperature.
As a result, growing Calamansi in full sun is essential for a healthy tree.
Fertilization is number
While growing, calamansi should be fertilized every couple of months.
Fertilize every four months with two to three and a half ounces of 16-20-0 fertilizer mixed with urea.
When the Calamansi tree is two years grown, increase the amount every four months to 7 to 10 1/2 ounces.
Nitrogenous fertilizers, such as urea, are required for calamansi.
In addition, a 4-inch coating of dry leaves, wood chips, or other organic material should be applied to the Calamansi tree.
Spread mulch all the way to the tree’s canopy, commonly known as the drip line.
Leave a 1- to 2-inch gap between the mulch and the trunk of the Calamansi tree.
This conserves moisture and keeps weeds at bay.
Diseases and pests
Numerous pests, such as citrus bark borers, aphids, and scales, cling to and harm Calamansi trees.
As a result, frequent monitoring and inspection are required to protect your tree.
Calamansi Harvesting
After two to three years, the Calamansi tree begins to bear fruit.
You can either harvest them when the peel is mottled pale green or wait until they are fully ripened and resemble an orange color.
You should use scissors to cut the fruits from the tree. Remember to leave a piece of the stem attached to the fruit to keep it fresh.
These simple measures will ensure that your Calamansi tree not only grows but also produces abundantly.
These are absolutely certain steps. If you take their instructions literally, you will have a flourishing Calamansi tree.
Calamansi Fruit
The calamansi tree produces a citrus-tropical fruit with a lime-like orange flavor that is used to flavor fruit, drink, and decorate spaces.
The appearance and aroma of calamansi make it appear to be tropical sweet fruit, but the taste of calamansi is actually quite tart.
Calamansi fruit is used to make tropical liquids such as lemonade, although it could also be referred to as a calamoande!
Calamnsi has a variety of minerals, including vitamin C and an immunity booster.
It is commonly used as a relaxing material for the stomach as a nice start to the day.
It is also well-known for improving metabolic rate and, as a result, encouraging weight loss due to its capacity to remove harmful fats from the body.
Because of its strong acidic content, calamansi also aids in cholesterol control and reduces acidity.
How Is Calamnasi Fruit Consumed?
Calamansi fruit is tangy and lemony on the interior. So, if you eat it with the peels, the thought of eating a calamansi can be okay.
The skin of a calamansi fruit is sweet, which balances and evens out the tartness of the fruit.
Calamansi Lime
Calamansi is a citrus fruit that can be substituted for lemon or lime as needed.
People who utilized calamansi in their foods claimed that the flavor calamansi provides to their dishes is nothing compared to what lemon or lime produces (in a good way).
How to Get a Calamansi Tree to Produce Fruit
Two years after planting, a calamansi tree (Citrus X citrofortunella mitis) begins producing plentiful fruits that resemble limes among its 3-inch-long leaves.
This citrus tree, also known as calamondin and native to the Philippines, contains dwarf, semidwarf, and standard rootstock variants that range in height from 6 1/2 to 25 feet and have a strong taproot as an anchoring point.
If properly tended for, each calamansi rootstock type bears fruits in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 10.
Although the dense foliage gives plenty of shade during the summer, coaxing the calamansi to produce fruit necessitates careful attention to placement, soil, and daily maintenance.
- Determine the tree’s location by confirming that it is facing south.
Remove any trees that are shading the calamansi. Citrus fruit production is hampered even in partial shade.
- Use a garden hose to water the earth around the calamansi.
By monitoring the rainwater travel into the ground, you can confirm that the tree’s soil absorbs the water.
After one hour, 1 inch of water should have completely penetrated the ground.
- If your soil does not absorb water well, till it with a garden hoe.
Using the garden hoe, amend the topsoil with compost and perlite to create a nutrient-rich but well-drained soil structure.
- Fertilize your calamansi three times during the growing season using a nitrogen-rich citrus fertilizer.
Before and after the tree flowers, as well as after harvesting, hand-spread the fertilizer out to and slightly beyond the drip line.
- Every one to two weeks, water your calamansi with drip irrigation until the soil is moist down to 3 feet deep.
Verify the moisture depth with a moisture meter. Water is essential for regular fruiting.
Avoid overwatering. Soggy roots create asphyxia within the ground, resulting in dieback.
- Spread an organic mulch around the calamansi by hand. Maintain a 12-inch gap between the mulch and the tree trunk.
Mulching protects exposed roots and avoids fungal infections that impede fruit production.
What You Will Need
- Garden hose
- Citrus fertilizer
- Drip irrigation
- Garden hoe
- Compost
- Perlite
- Moisture meter
If you intend to maintain your calamansi tree in a container inside, you can increase fruiting by altering the size of the pot.
Transplant your calamansi into a larger pot every year when the growing season resumes, which is usually in the spring.
The additional root-growing room encourages the tree to blossom and bear fruit.
Because calamansi fruit has a sweet flavor, it works well as a drink flavoring, such as in limeade or tea.
Other practical uses for acidic fruit juice include stain removal and skin deodorant.
When replenishing the soil, avoid damaging the tree’s roots. To avoid damaging the roots, slide the tool into the earth at a delicate pace. Root damage causes poor fruiting.
Calamansi Health Advantages
Skin bleaching
External application of Citrofortunella microcarpa to the skin is a prevalent practice in Southeast Asian cultures.
Because of its high acid content, the fruit can help you get rid of dark spots, age spots, acne scars, and blemishes on your face or body.
It’s high in antioxidants and acts as a natural exfoliant. This means that it can regenerate your skin cells, brighten their color, and aid in the removal of fine lines and wrinkles.
Prevents irritation
One of the most important calamansi advantages is that it reduces inflammation in the body. Similar to apple cider vinegar, this little crazy-sour pal, which is also high in anti-inflammatory tannins, aids in the normalization of stomach acidity.
Promotes collagen production
Nothing in our bodies, including muscles and skin, would function without collagen.
It is the primary structural protein that connects various types of tissue throughout our bodies.
One of the most crucial nutrients for assisting your body in producing its own collagen is vitamin C.
Immune system booster
Calamansi fruit is high in vitamin C, which is recognized to be the most important nutrient for fighting infections and keeping iron.
It also contains a lot of vitamin A, calcium, and potassium.
Helps to reduce mucous
Calamondin fruit contains citric acid, which dissolves mucous and phlegm in your respiratory system.
It also helps to reduce inflammation in the respiratory system and throat.
Controls the amounts of glucose, insulin, and cholesterol
Many studies have indicated that diabetic patients’ circumstances have eased.
This is because one of the primary calamansi advantages is that it helps to regulate blood glucose and insulin levels.
As an added advantage, it aids in the regulation of cholesterol levels.
Cleanses your body
The Citrofortunella microcarpa aids in the removal of toxins that naturally collect in the body.
This is beneficial to your kidneys, colon, liver, and gallbladder. The consequences will be visible in your complexion, hair, mental health, and overall physical well-being.
Calamansi juice may have the following side effects
Stomach problems
Calamondin juice, which is an astringent (a chemical that shrinks body tissue) and exceedingly sour, may be quite difficult on the stomach if consumed in large quantities.
Eat-in moderation to avoid acid reflux, diarrhea, upset stomach, and cramps, especially if you have a sensitive stomach and gut to start with.
Kidney issues
Excessive detoxification with particular juices or other therapies can be harmful to your kidneys.
It’s only normal, given that your kidneys accomplish the majority of the work, with or without your assistance.
Using strong diuretics like calamansi juice to stimulate urine might be harmful, so bear this in mind before plunging in headfirst.
Tooth enamel deterioration
Too much orange, like any other citrus, can harm your tooth enamel.
You can either use a straw (preferably one made of metal or glass rather than plastic) or rinse your mouth immediately after drinking the juice.
What to Expect in Calamansi Heights
The height of the trees varies. There are various trees that grow larger, higher, and smaller.
Some fruit trees develop and expand their branches. But, since we’re talking about trees, here’s a calamansi. Let’s see how tall a calamansi tree can get.
The calamansi tree grows to be around 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 meters) tall. When young, the tree is smaller, but as it becomes older, it grows taller.
The calamansi tree thrives in areas with greater sunlight. More nutrients and proper water will aid in its growth.
Calamansi will grow taller in an open environment when grown.
Calamansi will get more robust and its branches will spread broader as it receives more sunlight. Learn about the height of the calamansi.
Calamansi tree
1-2 years old – this can grow to be 1 meter tall. The tree is only a few years old, and its parts, such as leaves, bark, and branches, are not growing well.
As a result, you can anticipate this height.
2-4 years old – this can grow to a height of 1 to 3 meters/s.
The plant components improve and the branches continue to spread. The leaves are also growing. It will begin to bloom flowers and fruits throughout this year.
5 to 10 years old and are 3 to 6 meters tall. This height can be expected as it grows and the majority of the pieces grow.
This year is predicted to see an increase in flowering and flower-bearing. You can harvest abundantly if you take good care of it.
Also, if you grow calamansi and it grows to a smaller height, it is most likely due to the soil. The calamansi will not grow taller if the soil does not suit it. Calamansi thrives in loam and sandy soil.
The growth of the tree will also be influenced by a shaded area or shades. You should avoid planting it in areas where sunlight is blocked.
Factors of having a tall calamansi
In general, calamansi can reach heights of 3 to 6 meters.
This is the standard, and the tree will grow between those measurements, however here are certain aspects that contribute to calamansi growing taller.
Calamansi’s main source of nutrition is sunlight. When sunlight strikes the tree’s leaves, the process of photosynthesis begins. This process converts sunlight into food.
When the calamansi receives adequate sunlight, all of its parts benefit. In fact, greater sunlight will encourage the trees to bloom. Those blossoms will mature into fruit causes for a plentiful harvest all year.
Increasing the amount of food available to the tree aids in the growth of its bark and branches.
Every month, the size increases and continues to expand. As a result, it is preferable to cultivate calamansi in an open place where it may consume more meals.
That is the first one that will tell you how tall a calamansi tree can grow.
Every plant relies on water for survival. However, the calamansi tree does not require much extra water.
Too much water can lead to the development of Phytophthora root rot. It is a disease that causes the roots of the calamansi tree to decay.
When a tree is infected with Phytophthora, its growth is stunted and most of its parts are impacted. As a result, you must water it properly.
How should this be done? You should water your calamansi at least once or twice a week. On those days, use more water.
When enough water is provided to the tree, it will grow taller.
You can accomplish it with gardening tools such as a sprinkler or a water hose. It will make it easier for you to move.
Fertilizer also aids in the growth of the tree. If you glance at how tall a calamansi tree grows in your garden and it appears to be shorter than you expected, it could be due to a lack of nutrients.
Calamansi is a citrus that is a heavy feeder that occasionally does not get the proper quantity of nutrients. It mostly requires magnesium, nitrogen, zinc, and iron.
Most nutritional shortages can be corrected by feeding the calamansi with a citrus fertilizer containing micronutrients, such as 10-15-15 spikes.
It requires some guidance from a nursery farm or agriculture facility near your location.
You can also use organic fertilizer, which is the best to use in gardening. It is eco-friendly and contains no chemicals.
It will, however, assist you in determining how tall a calamansi tree grows.
How to use it?
Calamansi can be found in ice cream, sorbets, jello, juice, soft drinks, nectar, jelly, gummy candies, sauces, vinaigrettes, fruit preserves, and yogurt, among other things.
Calamansi Applications
To add tartness, serve calamansi juice with iced tea, shellfish, and meats.
The combination of calamansi juice and cranberries results in a fresh, juicy tart sauce.
Calamansi can also be stored whole in sugar syrup, turned into sweet pickles, or transformed into marmalade.
A calamansi-papaya marmalade is popular in Hawaii. Calamansi is a key component in chutney in Malaysia.
Calamansi juice is typically used to make acidic beverages. It is frequently used in the same way that lime or lemon juice is in the preparation of gelatin salads or desserts, custard pies, or chiffon pies.
In the Philippines, the extracted juice is pasteurized and bottled commercially with the addition of gum tragacanth.
Culinary Arts
Sour fruits are frequently used in preserves and cuisine.
Calamansi produces a tiny citrus fruit that is used to flavor meals and beverages.
Despite its outward look and perfume, the flavor of the fruit is extremely sour, despite the sweetness of the peel.
Calamansi marmalade is created in the same way that orange marmalade is. Like other citrus fruits, the calamansi is abundant in vitamin C
The fruit can be refrigerated full and then used to make ice cubes for tea, soft drinks, water, and cocktails.
The juice can be substituted for that of the common Persian lime (also called Bearss lime). The juice is extracted by crushing the entire fruit, resulting in a delicious drink comparable to lemonade.
A liqueur can be prepared by combining the entire fruit with vodka and sugar
The juice is used to marinade and season fish, chicken, and pigs in Filipino cuisine.
Also used in meals such as sinigang (sour meat or seafood soup) and kinilaw (raw fish marinated in vinegar and/or citrus juices).
It is often used as a condiment in meals such as pancit or lugaw, as well as in the basic sawsawan (dip) of calamansi juice and soy sauce/fish sauce used for fish, spring rolls, dumplings, and other savory dishes.
It is also used in a variety of beverages, most notably calamansi juice, a Filipino beverage similar to lemonade.
In other areas
The fruit is utilized in native dishes in northern Indonesia, particularly in the region of North Sulawesi.
To reduce the “fishy” smell, fish is spritzed and marinated in the juice prior to cooking. Kuah asam (“sour soup”) is a clear fish broth cooked with calamansi juice from the Malay Peninsula.
Florida frosted calamondin cake. The fruit is consumed in Florida in its completely ripe state, which has a more mature flavor profile than its immature counterpart.
Tasters detect apricot, tangerine, lemon, pineapple, and guava flavors. Because the skin is so thin, each fruit must be cut from the tree by hand to avoid tearing.
The entire fruit can be used, minus the stalks and seeds.
It is hand processed, pureed, or juiced, and used in a variety of goods including calamondin cake, coulis, marmalade, and jam.
Calamansi tree
Dehydrated peels can be used as a gourmet flavor with salt and sugar. From the 1920s to the 1950s, the fruit was popular among Florida bakers in the form of a cake.
Floridians with calamansi in their yards commonly use the juice in a summer variety of lemonade or limeade, as described above, and, left a little sour
It reduces thirst with the characteristic flavor; it can also be used on fish and seafood, or wherever else sour citrus would be used.
Calamansi seedling grown in captivity. Calamansi is the sole major producer in the Philippines.
It is largely grown for its juice extracts, which are sold to countries such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, Canada, and Hong Kong.
Every year, the Philippines exports between 160,000 and 190,000 metric tons of calamansi juice.
The Southwestern Tagalog Region, Central Luzon, and the Zamboanga Peninsula are major producing centers.
Its cultivation has spread, albeit on a small scale, from the Philippines to Southeast Asia, India, Hawaii, the West Indies, and Central and North America.
Citrofortunella microcarpa is typically grown as an attractive plant in gardens, as well as in pots and container gardens on terraces and patios in subtropical and warm temperate North America.
Calamansi Tree Potted
When the fruits are present, the plant is extremely appealing.
Because the plant is sensitive to extended and/or excessive cold, it is restricted to tropical, subtropical, and milder areas of warm temperate climates (such as the southeastern United States coastal plain (USDA zones 8b – 11), parts of California, southern Arizona, southern Texas, and Hawaii).
During the winter, potted plants are transported into a greenhouse, conservatory, or indoors as a houseplant in cooler climes.
This plant has received the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit in cultivation in the United Kingdom (confirmed in 2017).
Calamansi Tree Lifespan
A healthy Calamondin tree can live for 40 years or more. Disease, pests, and environmental concerns can all shorten this lifespan.
This appears to be a large specimen, and pruning dead plant material may be best left to a professional.
Frequently Asked Questions
How should a calamansi tree be cared for?
The Calamansi tree requires full sun, so position it in a sunny spot in the yard or on the balcony.
Citrus plants require 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day to thrive. Calamansi trees require constant watering.
Make sure the soil is always moist but not saturated.
How long does a calamansi tree take to bear fruit?
Approximately two to three years
As previously stated, it can take up to three to five years for a calamansi tree to mature.
In the first two to three years, the fruits begin to appear. They are green, like a lime, at this stage.
Depending on your preferences, you can harvest them when they are young or when they are fully ripe and get a nice yellow-orange color.
Where should you place calamansi trees?
When you’re ready to plant the calamansi trees in the yard or garden, choose an outdoor location for them.
Calamansi grows well in most soils but not in heavy clay or light sand.
The ideal pH range for soil is 5.5 to 6.5. Choose a location with good drainage and full to partial sun.
Is the calamansi tree the same as the calamondin tree?
Citrus microcarpa is known by many different names, but it is most commonly known as “calamondin” or “calamansi.”
If you’ve heard both names, calamondins and calamansis are the same fruit/plant.
How frequently do you water your calamansi?
Make sure the soil is always moist but not soggy. During the colder months watering the tree no more than once a week should suffice
Tip 1:
The top of the soil may appear dry, but it may be wet beneath; therefore, before watering your plant, dip your finger into the soil to feel the moisture level.
Can calamansi survive winter?
Calamansi trees are extremely hardy for a citrus fruit tree. It can withstand temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Is full sun required for Calamansi?
Calamansi requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Choose a location with a lot of sunlight if you want to sustain and bear a lot of fruits all year.
The tree’s productivity is increased by sunlight and temperature. As a result, growing Calamansi in full sun is essential for a healthy tree.
How can I increase the size of my Calamansi fruit?
If you intend to keep your calamansi tree in a container indoors, you can encourage fruiting by varying the size of the pot.
Transplant your calamansi into a larger pot every year when the growing season resumes, which is usually in the spring.
The additional root-growing space encourages the tree to blossom and bear fruit.
What can I make out of Calamansi leaves? Uses
Calamansi leaves have antifungal activity, according to numerous studies.
Calamansi leaves have been used as herbal medicines to treat diseases caused by fungi, particularly on the skin, since ancient times.
The most difficult aspect of dealing with insect bites is the itchy sensation that is difficult to avoid.
How can I speed up the growth of my Calamansi tree?
Even a small amount of shade can prevent your trees from bearing fruit.
- Calamnsi trees should be watered on a regular basis.
- The land. You’ll need to use rich, well-drained soil.
- You can fertilize your Calamansi trees with a citrus fertilizer.
- Organic mulch is strongly advised for use on Calamansi.
What is causing the yellowing of my Calamansi leaves?
Irrigate this citrus tree on a regular basis, as its leaves may turn yellow in a drought.
Give your calamondin a deep watering once a week for the first year after planting.
In times of extreme heat, provide water twice weekly. Reduce irrigation once the tree’s roots have been established.
Is it possible to cultivate a calamansi tree indoors?
Growing Calamnsi indoors is a terrific way to enjoy both the health and ornamental benefits of this beautiful citrus plant. It is not difficult to grow Calamansi indoors.
Furthermore, it is highly advised if you reside in an unfavorable climate for citrus cultivation.
How long does a calamansi tree take to bear fruit?
As previously said, it can take up to three to five years for a calamansi tree to grow. In the first two to three years, the fruits begin to show.
They are green, like a lime, at this stage. Depending on your preferences, you can pick them when they are young or when they are fully mature and obtain a wonderful yellow-orange color.
Are Calamansi And Lemon The Same Thing?
Except for the color, there isn’t much difference between the two fruits.
They are both members of the citrus family, however, lemon is typically larger in size. The amount of seeds in lemon exceeds that of calamansi.
Similarly, the blossoms of a lemon tree are larger than those of a calamansi tree.
Calamansi is reported to be more flavorful than other citrus fruits. Calamansi has arrived as your new favorite tropical fruit.
The day when calamode will be on the menu is not far off. It not only provides health benefits but it can also be used in a variety of ways in our daily life (even as a skincare routine).
So, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to get your calamansi trees!