Juice dates ~ 15 Reasons Why You Should Take Dates Juice
Juice dates ~ 15 Reasons Why You Should Take Dates Juice. Please Watch >>>>

Dates are one of the quickest and most effective ways to boost your energy on the road. These healthy fruits are recognized for their high iron content, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals.
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What Exactly Are Juice Dates?
Date juice/juice dates are a healthful sweet drink made from date palm fruits. Apart from the commonly consumed version of eating fresh and dry dates, date juice (Khajoor Juice) is another popular way to consume dates.
Dates juice, also known as Khajoor juice, is created by combining pre-soaked dates with water or milk. Dates juice has a sweet taste due to its high concentration of natural sugars
This wonderfully tasty and sweet-tasting juice is made from natural dates and is sold in bottled form.
It is taken as a syrup in tiny doses or added to desserts and smoothies. Many brands on the market sell date juice.
An Overview of Juice Dates
Date shake is a natural health tonic for both children and adults.
In Nigeria, it is known as dabino in Hausa and is botanically known as Phoenix dactylifera. Dates are the most popular fruit among the Hausas in Nigeria, especially during the fasting season.
Similarly, dates juice is a natural sweetener that can be substituted for refined white sugar or honey.
Let’s get to know more about the best juice dates benefits and its side effects.
Health Benefits of Date Juice – 15 Best Dates Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health
Vitamins in dates
The vitamins and minerals in juice dates are good sources of antioxidants; they protect cells from free radicals, which cause a variety of ailments.
Furthermore, the nutrients are an excellent immune booster that benefits the body while also nourishing the skin.
Renders Natural Glow of Skin
According to experts, drinking juice date on a daily basis will result in radiant skin that you will be proud to show off.
Dates juice, which is high in Vitamin C and D, improves the quality and flexibility of your skin. It produces a natural glow from within while decreasing indications of aging.
Makes Skin Soft and Shiny
By raising platelet levels in the blood, dates juice guarantees that skin cells receive appropriate nutrients.
It is simple and easy to produce, and drinking this delightful juice on a daily basis will keep your skin soft and supple.
The added benefit of juice dates for skin is that it helps reduce melanin production in your skin, preventing the signs of suntan.
Promotes Hair Growth
There are several benefits of date’s juice for hair. One of the advantages of drinking dates juice on a regular basis is that it gives your hair a thick and smooth texture.
It contains all of the nutrients that hair follicles require to function properly and offers you voluminous hair with instant smoothness.
The juice’s strong iron and Folate concentration can strengthen hair follicles from within and reduce hair fall.
Can Stimulate Natural Labour
Khajoor juice provides several benefits for expectant mothers who want to have a normal baby birth.
Having dates juice in the last month of pregnancy will assist the uterine muscles in contracting.
Dates contain enzymes that perform the same effects as oxytocin in women.
Aids in Cancer Prevention
Khajoor juice contains antioxidants, which aid in the destruction of free radicals, which cause cell damage and lead to cancer.
This aids in the disease’s prevention. It is one of the ideal drinks that are both healthful and suitable for both children and adults.
This is why dates juice is beneficial to one’s health.
Aids in Weight Gain
Khajoor juice is an excellent choice for anyone looking to gain weight due to its high quantities of sugar and carbs.
It is a natural treatment for weight gain in those who are underweight.
Juice dates can help you gain weight while also making you healthy due to their excellent nutritional benefits.
The fiber in juice dates
These juice dates are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help decrease cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
It is also effective in blood sugar stabilization since it slows digestion; additionally, it makes one full and lowers cravings associated with diabetes.
Other benefits of juice dates include:
- For Smooth Bowel Movements
- Lowers Bad Cholesterol or LDL
- Strengthens Bones and Teeth
- Khajoor juice for constipation
- Improve Brain Health
- Helps in natural labor and Fertility
Please Note
Dates should be consumed with caution so that the sweetness does not overpower you; in other words, moderation is vital, especially for individuals with diabetes.
This may induce stomach irritation and frequent bowel movements, while diabetes patients will have a significant increase in blood sugar levels.
Dry dates juice Recipe – Recipe for Khajur juice
Khajoor juice is created with only two ingredients: dates and water. Date juice is a simple summer beverage that may be made with either fresh or dehydrated dates.
Extracting juice from dry dates is an ayurvedic recipe that has been passed down through generations since Ayurveda’s inception hundreds of years ago.
It is an effective treatment for sunstroke, dehydration, and weakness.
When compared to fresh dates, the carbohydrates in dry dates are doubled, providing an instant energy boost when consumed.
Date Juice Ingredients
- 6 to 8 dry dates (dehydrated dates, substitute fresh dates)
- 1 cup water
- sweetener (skip for babies)
- ¼ teaspoon green cardamom powder (skip for babies)
The preparation technique is the same whether the juice is for a newborn, child, or adult.
- Firstly, clean up the dates with a brush because they have a lot of debris on them.
- Then remove the seed and discard the shell. This can be done in bulk and stored in an airtight dry jar.
- Alternatively, you can also soak them whole and extract the seed later. However, by breaking open, you may inspect and remove harmful particles.
- Before using, properly wash the needed amount of dates in a large amount of water then drained.
- Bring one cup of water to a boil, then remove from the heat and add the dates. Allow at least 4 hours or overnight. When they get saturated, they swell and soften.
- Lastly, strain and discard the pulp
For babies over 10 months, simply mash the soaked dates, then strain and discard the pulp.
This juice should be consumed within the next two hours. You can feed the baby this juice with a feeding bottle.
If you dislike the taste of dry dates. You can also create juice from fresh dates. Soak them in warm water for a few hours before blending and straining.
Then, add a few drops of lemon juice or your favorite fruit juice.
FAQs on Juice Dates
Is Dates Juice Good For Health?
Loaded with nature’s goodness, It is quite rich in Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Folate, Calcium, Zinc, and other key Vitamins like B1, B2, B3, and C.
Drinking this juice often can help you avoid the use of artificial vitamin supplements. Aside from aiding in bone health, the Khajoor juice is also an elixir for anemic patients.
Dates Juice Nutrition Facts:
Here is the nutritional value breakup of 1 tbsp:
- Total Calories: 59
- Fat: 0.1 gm
- Total Carbohydrates: 16 gm
- Potassium: 138 mg
- Dietary Fiber: 1.7 gm
- Sugars: 13 gm
- Sodium: 0.4 mg
- Protein: 0.5 gm
- Calcium: 1 %
- Iron: 1 %
How Much Date Juice Can I Take Per Day? How many dates are recommended per day?
- 4-6 dates
Many health professionals recommend eating 4-6 dates per day if you’re attempting to reduce weight.
You can enjoy them with a cup of black coffee in the morning and a cup of milk tea or green tea in the evening.
Dates’ Side Effects
After consuming them, some people may have ocular sensitivity, such as itchy, watery, or red eyes, or a runny nose.
Dried dates have high sugar content, particularly when compared to the vitamins and minerals they contain.
This is true of all dates, but the drying process boosts the sugar content even more.
Can we drink dates-soaked water?
Date water is a simple infused drink that provides numerous health benefits to both men and women.
Soaking dates in water softens them, allowing the sweetness to be released more easily.
It’s energizing and an excellent complement to your diet, especially if you’re fasting.
Is dates juice good for skin? Benefits of dates for skin and hair health
They include nutrients that strengthen the subcutaneous tissues, resulting in softer, smoother skin.”
Dates include antioxidants that help to keep free radicals in check and delay the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.
Do dates make you gain weight?
Dates may cause the following negative effects:
Weight gain: Due to their high caloric content, dates can cause weight gain when ingested in excess. As a result, it is critical to consume dates in moderation.
Dates contain natural sugars, so consuming too many of them might raise blood sugar levels.
Do dates induce you to poop?
Dates are a natural laxative that aids in constipation relief.
Whether you regard this as a positive or bad thing, work well as a laxative and aid digestion.
Dates are therefore an excellent snack for when you need to urinate. Dates are beneficial in this sense due to their high fiber content.
Are dates beneficial to spèrm? Improve man sèxual health
Dates have long been regarded as delicious food that also benefits men’s sèxual health.
According to several studies, going on dates can improve your stamina and increase motility
Dates contain flavonoids and estradiol, which have been shown to improve spèrm count and quality.