Kigelia Africana Fruit (Pandoro or Sausage Tree)
Kigelia Africana Fruit (Pandoro or Sausage Tree). Please Watch >>>>
- Yoruba herbal plant health benefits of Pandoro
- Pandoro or Sausage Tree (Kigelia Pinnata) – Uses and Health Benefits
- Natural Herbs kigelia pinnata benefits (sausage tree)/Pandoro for Enlargement
- Herbal remedies used for the treatment of infertility in males and females
Kigelia Africana Fruit (Pandoro or Sausage Tree) – an Overview
The use of herbal medicines and phytonutrients or nutraceuticals containing numerous secondary metabolites is rapidly expanding around the world, with many people now turning to these products to treat a variety of health issues in various national healthcare settings.
The Pandoro herbal fruit which I previously wrote about (Pandoro Yoruba: Uses & Health Benefits of Sausage Tree) is used to treat penial and breast enlargement. This fruit also has numerous health benefits.
Pandoro has the botanical name kigelia Africana and the English name Sausage Tree. Sausage Tree is the common name. Bignoniaceae is the family name.
Pandoro is the Yoruba name. Raya is a Hausa name, and Utuenyi is an Igbo name.
What are the Yoruba herbal benefits of Pandoro? Kigelia Africana Benefits
Let’s look at the health benefits of pandoro (Africana Kigelia)
Pandoro is extremely popular among Yorubas. In fact, Pandoro is a Yoruba name derived from the Sausage tree.
It is a natural pain reliever, it helps with breast firming, it is a fertility booster, it increases the chances of having twins, it uses the leaves and flowers to lower blood sugar, it cures leprosy, skin cancer, ulcers, and ringworm.
The mature Kigelia Africana fruit powder is used to dress wounds, abscesses, and ulcers. The green fruit is used to treat syphilis and rheumatism, and the leaf is used to treat backache.

This is Pandoro.
To use for enlargement, pound and soak in gin for three days before beginning to take three shots daily.
While you’re taking it, keep an eye on your cassava o, so that the thing will not turn into a yam rather than a big cucumber. Okay?
Uses and Health Benefits of Pandoro or Sausage Tree (Kigelia Pinnata)
In this article, we will look at the health benefits of the sausage tree, also known as kigelia Pinnata, one by one.
Kigelia Pinnata extract has been used and tested in many African countries, and the results are compelling enough to claim that this plant is both nutritious and medicinal.
Let’s take a quick look at its other health benefits below.
Health Benefits of Fruit Kigelia Pinnata or Sausage Tree
- Detoxification
- Treatment of measles in children
Some herbal uses of Pandoro are:
Fibroids: The leaves and bark of this tree have been used to treat fibroids. It should be noted that pregnant women should not use it because it can cause abortion.
Anti-aging, skin firming, and wrinkle reduction: The fruit of this tree is used in the production of skin cosmetics.
Skin infection: It treats skin infections such as acne, blemishes, leprosy, and ringworm.
- The sausage tree is typically found in a wet area, such as a stream or riverbank, where mammals and other animals can feed on it.
- It is widespread in African countries. It’s almost everywhere in both Nigeria and Cameroon. The root, bark, and seed of this tree are all medicinal.
- Dried kigelia fruits are used in Cameron as an alcoholic beverage and as a cream in many skin care products.
- It is also used to treat various venereal diseases, toothaches, and headaches.
- The bark of the tree can be used to make an infusion that can be used to treat epilepsy.
- Herb made from the bark of the stem can be used to treat toothache, and it is also beneficial in the treatment of cancer.
- Both the root and the bark can be used to treat pneumonia.
NOTE: Avoid eating fresh and green fruits because they can cause mouth blisters.
Pandoro Uses
Kigelia Africana for Breast Firming
In the case of saggy breasts caused by breastfeeding, the bark of the sausage tree can be used to keep the breast firm.
Pandoro can be used to firm the breasts in the following ways:
To firm the breasts with a sausage tree, apply a heated seed bark to the breast and massage it.
Pandoro for Internal Ailment Treatment
Kigelia fruits can also be used to treat internal ailments such as ulcers, dysentery, and toothache.
How to Use:
Boil some kigelia seed in water and drink it to treat ulcers and dysentery.
The bark is boiled and gargled in the mouth to relieve toothache.
Kigelia Africana is used to treat skin infections.
It can also be used to treat skin infections like measles, Eczema, boils, ringworm, and fungal infections.
How to Apply:
It will be used externally in this case. Boil the seed and bathe in it twice a day until the skin infection is gone.
Sausage tree’s other benefits include;
- Flavoring bear
- Serves as a famine food
- An acholic beverage
- V-,jay tightening
- Use to make dye (seed produces red dye and the root produces yellow)
Side effects of Kigelia Africana fruits
We cannot conclude the benefits of sausage trees and fruits without informing the public about the potential side effects that may occur while using them.
The following are the side effects of the sausage tree/Kigelia Pinnata that have been observed thus far.
Kigelia fruit, when eaten raw, can cause stomach aches and other abdominal problems due to its poisonous content. It is best to use this fruit when it is ripe or dried.
The raw and unripe ones are intended for mammals. In some cases, it can cause blistering of the tongue and skin.
- It may also make you vomit.
Conclusion on the Health Benefits and Uses of the Sausage Tree
As beneficial as this wonderful tree is, it is recommended that you exercise caution when using it for health purposes.
Remember that eating it raw is poisonous, so avoid doing so. The seed is most effective when boiled or dried.
Without a doubt, Africa is endowed with a plethora of natural resources, plants, and medicinal seeds, one of which is the sausage tree.
You can also use this tree to your advantage right now.
People also ask.
What conditions does Kigelia Africana treat?
Pandoro is used to treat inflammation, dysentery, and cancer in Nigeria, and the fruits of K. Africana are used as anti-inflammatories in Kenya’s Embu community.
Additionally, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory studies have been conducted on the various parts of K
How unsafe is kigelia?
Second, the tree’s fruits are highly poisonous if consumed raw.
So that’s a bit literal. (This brings to mind another “medicinal” property attributed to the tree: it’s an extremely effective emetic.)
What is the use of kigelia?
Kigelia Africana has been used to treat human ailments since the dawn of time.
Ethnobotanists have documented K. africana’s traditional uses, which include the treatment of skin disorders, cancer, and gynecological complaints, among others.
What is the English of Pandoro?
The term is derived from the Italian pandoro (literally “golden bread”).
How should Kigelia Africana powder be consumed?
It is made by powdering the seeds of Kigelia Africana, also known as the sausage tree, a tree that grows only in Africa.
Directly sprinkle the powder on meals or combine it with a glass of milk.
How do you drink Kigelia Africana? What does a sausage tree do to the body?
Traditional Medicinal Uses
The sausage tree has numerous anecdotal applications. The powdered mature fruit is used as a dressing for wounds, abscesses, and ulcers.
The green fruit is used as a poultice for syphilis and rheumatism, and the leaves are used to treat backache.
What is the best way to use kigelia oil?
Every night, massage kigelia oil into your breasts.
For about ten minutes, massage each breast in a circular motion from the bottom up, from the outside to the inside
Is Kigelia Africana good for you? Healthy
Skin conditions are cured: “Kigelia Africana, revered by Malawians as medicine as well as a sacred symbol of protection, has traditionally been used by African healers to treat skin-related conditions such as fungal infections, acne, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, and insect bites,” Roestorf says.
is toxic, especially to humans People bake and slice them to eat the cooked pulp to make them edible.
What is Kigelia oil?
Description. African natural Kigelia Oil 30 ml is a Mozambican oil that is well known for its firming and invigorating properties, particularly for female breasts, which it strengthens and beautifies.
What is the English name for Kigelia Africana?
The sausage tree
Kigelia Africana, also known as the sausage tree, is an ornamental and useful tree native to Africa.
How is pandora eaten?
How could you possibly serve them? Pandoro is delicious but very straightforward.
As a result, it’s ideal for decorating or filling with cream, chocolate, custard, or Mascarpone cheese.
After lunch, Italians frequently pair it with a cup of Espresso coffee, or with a glass of Prosecco for toasting during Christmas or New Year’s dinner
What does pandoro taste like? What does Kigelia Africana taste like?
It has a light and delicate flavor, almost like very sweet bread. Because the flavors of the butter, sugar, flour, and eggs are all mild and balanced, one flavor does not overpower the other.
How do you serve traditional pandoro?
Pandoro is frequently served in horizontal slices that are restacked to resemble a Christmas tree.
It can then be finished with a simple dusting of confectioners’ sugar, or each layer can be spread with whipped sweetened mascarpone, pastry cream, jams, or zabaglione.
Pandoro fruit for fertility ~ How to use Kigelia Africana for infertility
Pandoro fruit for fertility is a simple but effective herbal combination that will help you conceive naturally and quickly.
Rapid therapies…
Before we start the preparation, I will introduce the six (6) herbal recipes to be used.
- Sausage tree (Leaf and root)
- Aridan (Stem-bark and pod)
- Ethiopian pepper (Fruit)
- Bitter gourd (Leaf)
- Elephant grass (Leaf)
- Boundaries plant (Leaf/pod)
The practical steps required in the preparation of basic fertility tea.
- Firstly, collect Aridan’s stembark/pod, Ethiopian pepper, and Sausage leaves/roots.
- Then, gather a handful of Elephant grass, boundary plant leaves, and Bitter gourd leaves/pod.
- Thoroughly wash the recipes and pound them with a mortar
- After that, fill a medium-sized pot halfway with water, add the pounded mixture, and cook for 30-45 minutes.
- Lastly, allow cooling before filtering the juices.
What is the best way to use a sausage tree for enlargement?
The sausage tree has numerous anecdotal applications. The powdered mature fruit is used as a dressing for wounds, abscesses, and ulcers.
The green fruit is used as a poultice for syphilis and rheumatism, and the leaves are used to treat backache.
Pandoro Ogun ~ What exactly is Ogun Pandoro Fruit?
Pandoro is the Yoruba name for a fruit that represents multiplicity, fecundity, and so on.
Kigelia Africana is the botanical name for Pandoro. Sausage Tree is the common name. Bignoniaceae is the family name.
Pandoro is the Yoruba name. Rawuya is the Hausa name. Utuenyi is the Igbo name.