Avocado Leaves Health Benefits and Leaf Tea Uses
Avocado leaves Health benefits are numerous. However, few people know that avocado leaves have significant health benefits because most times it is only avocado fruit that is used as food. The leaves and the pit are usually discarded.
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What Is Avocado?
Avocado is a trending superfood in the form of a pear or a ball that many health and fitness enthusiasts all around the world love.
Scientifically known as Persea Americana, this superfood is said to have originated in South Central Mexico.
The flesh of the fruit is fat, juicy, oily, and has a yellow-green or green color. It tastes slightly sweet, not sour.
Avocados do pack a punch! They are highly versatile and can be enjoyed either on their own or used in a variety of recipes for meals and drinks or juices.
However, many people use only avocado fruit as food and discard the seeds and leaves. Very few consume avocado pulp, peels, pits, and leaves.
But, not only is the fruit good for the body, its leaves have the potential of preventing diseases and it contains healing properties.
Despite this fact, there hasn’t been any wide understanding of the benefits of consuming avocado leaves for health.
This is a huge loss because the leaf has many medicinal properties that can boost your health therefore; there is a need for more awareness to be created.
Avocado leaves plant health benefits
We must discover the abundance of nutrients packed within avocado leaves to boost our health with its healing properties.
But, before we find out about the benefits, let’s take a look at what makes it so good.
The Nutrients in Avocado Leaf
Firstly, you may not expect that the leaves of avocado contain abundant nutrients even more than the fruits.
Secondly, avocado leaves are richer in proteins and fiber than the fruit or the seed.
Besides, there are about 25.54 g of protein and 38.40 g of fiber per 100 g of the leaf, while the fruit contains only 1.60 g and 2.06 g of protein and fiber, in the same amount.
Thirdly, avocado leaves are not only rich in protein and fiber, but it also contains some mineral such as magnesium, sodium, manganese, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, zinc, selenium, and phosphorus in the proper amount.
Lastly, the leaf of avocado also has a greater number of phytochemicals than the fruit and the seed.
Avocado Leaves Health Benefits
After knowing the nutrient content of avocado leaves, now let’s see the amazing health benefits and how it affects the human body to solve several health issues.
The Avocado leaf has more protein, fiber, minerals, and phytochemicals like flavonoids and phenols than the fruit.
It can prevent convulsions, lower the blood glucose level, fight ulcers with its antioxidants, and lower body weight by burning fat stored in adipose tissues. The seeds, leaves, and bark are used for dysentery and diarrhea.
Other Benefits Include:
- Avocado Leaves Health Benefits for Hair Growth
Losing hair? Avocado leaves are the secret remedy. The vitamins A, D, E, and B6, proteins, amino acids, magnesium, folic acid, copper, and iron in the leaves will give the hair an instant glow.
- Avocado Leaves for High Blood Pressure
Lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure!
Avocados contain monounsaturated fats that are great for improving your cholesterol and reducing inflammation.
Also, they contain more potassium than bananas so they are very effective at managing blood pressure.
- Avocado and Fertility
One of the most important nutrients for fertility is fat. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, aka MUFAs, which are in union with lower rates of ovulatory infertility.
In addition to fat, avocados also contain folate, potassium, and vitamin A, which are all important for reproductive health
- Avocado Leaves Tea Benefits for Anaemia
Eat at least 3 avocados per week for a minimum of 2 weeks, to address your iron imbalance.
- Calms down Your Back Pain
If you feel pain, such as low back pain, you can try avocado leaf tea to perform daily activities.
- Treats Kidney stones
- Helps Prevent Cancer and ulcers
- Supports Skin Health
- Treat Diabetes and Asthma Symptoms
- Protects The Body against Degenerative Diseases for example premature aging
- Reduce Convulsions from Seizures
How to Make Avocado Tea
Avocado leaves tea is very similar to traditional herbal tea, such as guava leaves tea. Making avocado tea is very easy.
- Like with most tea, you simply add fresh/dry leaves, not brown spots or curling leaves, and hot water together and then allow steeping.
- Tea aficionados suggest using dry avocado leaves, approximately 3 or 4 leaves per pot.
- Some heat the water and then add the leaves to steep in it, while others boil water with leaves in it for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Lastly, the leaf has a licorice or anise-like flavor but can be bitter so play around with your avocado tea recipe, adding fewer leaves and using alternative sweeteners, until you find the brew that works best for you.
Besides using them as tea, you can use the avocado leaves to add flavor to your soup and stew.
Also, they use the seed of an avocado to prepare a healthy and soothing cup of tea.
Benefits of Avocado Leaf Tea ~ Benefits for avocado leaves
- Firstly, it helps in treating headaches as it improves the flow of oxygen in the brain.
- Secondly, it reduces stress and provides a soothing effect.
- Thirdly, a combination of avocado leaves tea with honey helps to improve digestion and keep problems like constipation at bay.
- Fourthly, Avocado herbal tea can aid in easing asthma symptoms and lowering blood glucose levels.
- Above all, other benefits include treating muscle soreness, reducing inflammation, curing kidney stones, etc.
How To Include Avocado Leaves In Your Diet?
- Firstly, you can add raw or freshly toasted avocado leaves to add flavor to your salad, soup, and stew,
- One of the best ways to consume avocado leaves is as tea. Just boil a few leaves in a pot of water and add an appropriate amount of sweetener to suit your palate.
What Are The Side Effects Of Avocado Leaves?
Although there have been no conclusive studies on its side effects on humans, it was found that when lactating (breastfeeding) livestock eat avocado leaves, they may develop a painful infection of the breast tissue and lactation failure.
Therefore, it is better to avoid avocado leaves if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Are Avocado Leaves Poisonous To Humans?
Some people express fear due to the presence of persin which is a fungicidal toxin present in the avocado
Research has proven that persin is not harmful to humans but when consumed by domestic animals in large quantities it is dangerous.
Where to Buy Avocado Leaves In Nigeria
Avocado leaves for sale whether dry/fresh is a common sight in Nigeria’s local market especially when it is in season.
I am not sure about online sales, will update with time.
People also ask
What can avocado leaves cure?
Health Benefits of Avocado Tea Leaves
- Antioxidants Remove Free Radicals
- Avocado Tea Can Treat Kidney Stones
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Lower Blood Glucose
- Treat Asthma Symptoms
- Reduce Convulsions From Seizures
- Improve Digestive Health
How long should I boil avocado leaves?
Here is how to prepare avocado leaves tea.
- Firstly, wash 4-5 pieces of avocado leaves (depending on how much you’d like to consume)
- Then, allow boiling in a pot with 1½-2 cups of water for 10 minutes (or until the water reduces by half)
- After that, filter.
Can avocado leaves be consumed?
It has a slightly bitter flavor, but you can easily counteract that with natural sweeteners or by eating it with other foods.
The avocado tree’s leaves, which can be used to make tea, are also incredibly nutrient-dense. It aids in reducing the symptoms of a variety of illnesses.
How do you boil avocado leaves?
- Firstly, take a vessel with 1- 2 cups of water and add these leaves to it.
- Then, bring them to a boil.
- After that, simmer it for around 10 minutes
Can the leaves of an avocado lower blood sugar?
The reduction in blood glucose levels by giving avocado leaf extract indicated that the anti-oxidant content of avocado leaf extracts for example flavonoids and tannins had the effect of lowering the blood glucose levels in test animals.
Can High blood pressure be treated using avocado leaves?
Avocado leaves lower blood pressure by causing your heart rate to slow down, which lowers the pressure needed to pump blood through your body.
Is Avocado tea good for kidneys?
“Treats renal stones Avocado leaves, which contain saponins and alkaloids, have shown to be a successful treatment for kidney stones.
Within seven to ten days, kidney stones that are broken down by drinking it two to three times per day.
Are raw avocado leaves edible? Can you eat raw avocado leaves?
Can Avocado Leaves Be Eaten? Not only is the incredible berry known as the avocado fruit edible, delectable, and healthy. Avocado leaves are indeed edible!
Avocado leaves can be used to prepare food and beverages; cosmetics and medicinal concoctions
What is the side effect of avocado?
Latex sensitivity Avocado allergies are possible in those who are latex sensitive.
Food allergies in the stomach that result in vomiting and diarrhea:
Some young children and infants have stomach allergies to foods like milk, oats, rice, and others.
Having this allergy results in frequent vomiting and diarrhea
Does eating avocado leaves help you lose weight?
The fact that it promotes weight loss is one of its wonderful benefits.
Limonene, an appetite suppressant found in avocado leaves, aids in controlling food intake and preventing weight gain
Can you use avocado leaves for tea?
With three times the catechins of green tea, avocado leaf tea is said to improve kidney and heart health, assist control blood pressure and blood sugar, and lessen the frequency of seizures, among other things.
Are avocado leaves good for cough?
Avocado is loved by athletes because it accelerates muscle growth and aids in tissue repair.
Infusions made from avocado tree leaves can relieve migraines, dysmenorrhea, and coughing
Who can’t eat an avocado?
Avoid Mexican avocado, which contains anethole and estragole. The potential for these elements to cause cancer has been investigated. Consuming these could harm the liver as a result
Avoid avocado oil if you have liver disease and stop eating this fruit to prevent any negative consequences.
Is boiled avocado leaves good for diabetes?
Glycoside, a naturally occurring substance in avocado leaves that reduces the body’s cravings and need for sugar, aids in the treatment of diabetes.
Can a diabetic eat avocado every day?
Because avocados contain so few carbohydrates, a lot of fiber, and healthy fats, diabetics can consume them in moderation without worrying that it would cause their blood sugar to spike.
Avocado and other foods together may lower blood sugar spikes too
What are the 5 health benefits of avocados?
5 Surprising Health Benefits of Avocados
- Heart Health. Avocados contain the plant chemical beta-sitosterol which helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
- Weight Loss
- Healthy Eyes
- Growth and Development
- Blood Pressure

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