Fried Boiled Eggs: Air Fryer Eggs (Hard/Soft Boiled)
Fried Boiled Eggs: Air Fryer Eggs (Hard/Soft Boiled)

Fried boiled eggs are buttery, crispy, and incredibly tasty. They’re delicious as a snack, breakfast, or salad topping.
It’s popular in Ghana, India, and China, among other countries.
Fried boiled eggs are hard-boiled eggs that have been fried in oil or butter until the white color turns golden brown and the outside is crispy while the inside is tender.
Deep-fried boiled eggs are delicious, so cook superb hard-boiled eggs in butter/oil until golden and crispy; they are definitely delicious!
Depending on your preferences, the eggs can be soft-boiled or hard-boiled. You can make them in less than 10 minutes whenever you want to turn hard-boiled eggs into a snack.
Recipe for hard-boiled eggs
I really enjoy hard-boiled eggs and I like them simply seasoned with salt and pepper.
I also enjoy them with a variety of toppings such as mayonnaise, mustard, sour cream, salsa, or hot sauce. Obviously, I enjoy deviled eggs (who doesn’t?).
Hard-Boiled Eggs Recipe Ingredients
To make this tasty snack, you’ll only need a few simple ingredients. The precise measurements can be found in the recipe card below.
Here’s a rundown of what you’ll need:
Eggs hard-boiled: They should be cut in half lengthwise. Make sure the yolks are completely cooked.
Butter: You can have it salted or unsalted. Because I always have unsalted butter in the fridge (from my frequent baking), I use it in this recipe. However, salted butter will work just as well.
Pinch of salt and pepper: Alternatively, season with salt to taste. See the discussion below for more information on other spices you can use.
- Firstly, cover the eggs in a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil. Allow to boil for 10 minutes.
- Then, remove the eggs from the hot water and set them aside to cool
- After that, peel and cut the cooled eggs into large chunks.
- Meanwhile, in a skillet over medium heat, melt the butter.
- Fry egg chunks in melted butter for 2 minutes, or until golden brown; and finally season with salt and pepper.
Perfect Air Fryer Eggs – Hard or Soft Boiled
Air fryer eggs are my new favorite method of “boiling” eggs for meal prep!
Making hard-boiled, soft-boiled, and jammy eggs in the air fryer are as simple as it gets.
Learn how to do it right, with all the tips and tricks for getting your eggs just right!
What is an Air Fryer?
An air fryer is a kitchen appliance that uses a convection mechanism to cook food by circulating hot air around it.
It is a scaled-down version of a convection oven.
Air fryer fried boiled egg ~ Fried boiled egg in the air fryer
There are numerous methods for cooking a hard-boiled egg, but using my air fryer is by far my favorite!
You can cook them on the stove, in boiling water, in an Instant Pot, or in the oven.
Yes, that’s correct! You’ll be surprised at how simple it is to cook them in this trendy contraption.
Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs ~ Hard Boiled Eggs in Air Fryer
I simply put some cold eggs in the air fryer basket, set the timer for 16 minutes at 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and let the air fryer do the rest. So easy and simple to make.
Use some Everything Bagel Seasoning to top the eggs, or eat them plain. Use these to make deviled eggs or an egg salad sandwich.
What Is A Soft Boiled Egg?
When you boil an egg (or, in this case, air-fry the eggs), you use water. This is what I call a great Air Fryer Hack.
In hard-boiled eggs, the yolk is fully cooked until it is solid, whereas in soft-boiled eggs, the outside is perfectly cooked but the yolk is only partially cooked.
FAQs about Fried Boiled Eggs: Air Fryer Eggs (Hard/Soft Boiled)
How do you fry an egg in oil? How to fry the boiled egg in oil
- Firstly, in a medium (10-inch) cast-iron or nonstick skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high until it ripples like the ocean
- Then, crack the eggs into the pan.
- After that, gently tilt the pan towards you, spoon up some of the oil, and baste just the whites and edges of the yolk until the whites are set for about 1 minute.
Boiled egg recipes
What can be made of the boiled egg? What to Make with Hard-Boiled Eggs
- Deviled Eggs.
- Egg Salad Sandwich.
- Tomato Avocado Sandwich.
- Green Salad with Bacon, Avocado, and Hard-boiled Eggs.
- Pesto Quinoa Breakfast Bowls.
- Hard-Boiled Egg and Avocado Bowl.
- Potato Edamame Salad.
Fried boiled egg calories
90 calories
One large hard-boiled egg, for example, has 77 calories and 5.3 grams of fat, whereas one large fried egg has 90 calories and 7 grams of fat
Aside from the fat and calorie content, the vitamin and mineral profiles of hard-boiled and fried eggs are very similar.
Air Fryer Soft-Boiled Eggs
My new favorite breakfast is Air Fryer Soft Boiled Eggs.
They come out perfectly every time, they’re so simple and quick, and best of all, I don’t have to keep an eye on them on the stove.
If you’re following the KETO diet and looking for quick breakfast ideas, this is one of my favorites!
They cook so well, and I love a runny yolk egg, as do my kids, who eat it with toast.
The white is firm, but the yolk is always creamy and delicious. That’s fantastic; it’s a quick and easy way to make breakfast for the whole family!
What Is A Soft Boiled Egg?
When you boil an egg (or in this case), we air-fried the eggs without water, I often call this a great Air Fryer Hack.
In hard-boiled eggs, the yolk is fully cooked until it is solid, whereas in soft-boiled eggs, the outside is perfectly cooked but the yolk is only partially cooked.
This will make an excellent breakfast; they are sometimes referred to as bunkie eggs because you can dip your eggs into the yolk while eating Soldiers & Eggs.
It’s a great and simple breakfast recipe.
How do you soft boil eggs in an air fryer?
Air fryer soft-boiled eggs
- Firstly, preheat the air fryer for 5 minutes at 400°F (204°C).
- Then, place the wire rack in the basket and the eggs on top, leaving some space between them.
- For soft egg yolks, air fry at 280°F (138°C) for 9 to 10 minutes| and 10-11 minutes for medium egg yolk
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