Ogi is a special kind of corn pudding made from maize, sorghum, or millet. This special meal is very common in Nigeria. It is locally called Ogi by the Yorubas, Akamu by the Igbos, and Pap in Nigeria. Ogi is a family meal for breakfast though some people usually take it any time of the day. It is used as pap baby food which babies graduate from breast milk.
Ogi making can be very challenging unless you master the art. I used to make watery Ogi myself as a kid until I traveled home one Christmas and my grandmother taught me the trick. So lovelies, am going to teach you all the tricks just the way that I was taught but you have to follow me till the end to understand how to make a perfect Ogi.
Also Read: 5 Good Reasons Why You Should Take Akara & Akamu As A Breakfast Food
The Basic Ingredients Include: ~ How to Make Perfect Ogi
- Wet corn starch
- Water (hot and cold)
- Evaporated milk ( I prefer peak milk)
- Honey/salt to taste.
Preparation on How to Make Perfect Ogi
STEP 1: Ogi contains some starch so it increases when you are preparing it. Therefore it is always advisable to use a bowl big enough to contain the prepared Ogi.
STEP 2: Put enough lumps of Akamu in a bowl and add little water. Using a spoon, melt the Ogi/akamu with the little water until there are no lumps left. Do not add more water at this stage. Additional water can make the akamu to be watery. You need this mixture to be thick so that the prepared akamu will be thick also. Remember, you will still add evaporated milk to the prepared ogi.
STEP 3: Put enough water in a kettle and allow to boil. After a minute of boiling, stir the akamu again as your waiting for the water to boil. Then pour the hot water into the akamu mixture in a circular motion. Slowly but steadily.
STEP 4: I do not stir my akamu when pouring the hot water. Once my pap mixture starts to thicken, I will reduce the flow of water until the pap is completely thickened and is ready for consumption.
STEP 5: Put the kettle aside and stir the pap very well. You can adjust if it is too thick by adding more hot water. Know when to stop adding the hot water so as not to make pap become watery. Have it in mind that you will still add liquid milk.
STEP 6: Add some sugar to taste together with peak evaporated milk. Stir everything as desired. Your pap is ready. Simple isn’t it!
Ogi/Akama/Pap can be eaten with akara, snacks especially those made with flour, and fried plantain. This combination is perfect for a good healthy breakfast.

FAQs about How to Make Perfect Ogi
Types of pap Akamu
Pap comes in different colors based on the type of grain used as the base.
- White Pap – white corn
- Yellow Pap – yellow corn
- Greyish Pap – millet
- Maroon Pap – guinea corn
What are the ingredients for making pap? How to Make Perfect Ogi
What you will need to make Akamu/Ogi/Pap
- Wet Corn Starch (Akamu, Ogi, or Pap)
- Water (Hot and Cold)
- Evaporated Milk (Peak Milk)
- Sugar (to taste)
How to make akamu from millet ~ How to Make Perfect Ogi
- Firstly, soak clean millet in a bucket of water overnight.
- Secondly, wash the millet well to remove dirt (small stones) and, put clean water, ginger, glove, and dry pepper.
- After that, grind the millet with the grinding machine and use a clean sieving cloth with enough water to sieve until it’s just the chaff remaining.
- Then, allow for some hours to ferment and remove the water to remain the Akamu paste that has ferment
- Get a little quantity of the Akamu paste in a bowl and then, turn boiled water into it that will be enough and stir well gently until it’s smooth.
- Lastly, add sugar stir well, and serve with akara or moi-moi
How to add flavor to pap
To add flavor to the pap, firstly add vanilla extract for vanilla flavor, then add, chocolate powder for example milo for a chocolate flavor, and lastly dry strawberry powder or strawberry extract for strawberry flavor. Enjoy!
How do you wash akamu? Process of making Ogi (pap, akamu) ~ How to Make Perfect Ogi
- Firstly, wash the dry corn thoroughly and soak it in a generous quantity of cold water for 3 to 4 days.
- Secondly, wash the corn and change the water every day.
- Then, on the third or fourth day, wash and mill. Drape the chiffon cloth over a big bowl and tie it up.
- After that, sieve the milled corn. When you’ve rinsed all the milled corn, blend the shaft and rinse again
- Then, set the mixture of water and akamu aside to settle for at least three hours.
- Now, pour out the clear water and decant the rest of the mixture into the muslin bag.
- Bond the bag and keep it in such a way as to let the water drain from the ogi.
- When you see that the water has drained off, tie the bag tighter
- Allow this overnight so that the akamu will have the classic sour taste. Yet again, do not refrigerate it.
- The following day, bring out the akamu from the bag, and cut it up into single-use chunks,
- Finally, if you don’t have a freezer, keep it in a bucket with a tight lock and add water to cover the ogi but the water should be changed often to avoid being spoilt.
How do you sieve ogi? How to Make Perfect Ogi
Simply sieve as usual. Squeeze the cheesecloth to allow the ogi to fall into the bowl beneath the bowl.
The chaff will be left inside the cheese cloth after sieving. To ferment, place the resulting paste in a covered bowl.
How to Make Ogi ~ How to Make Perfect Ogi
To make ogi, simply boil water, mix the amount you want to drink with ordinary water, and ensure a smooth paste before adding boiled water.
Then, gradually but steadily pour in the hot water until the akamu thickens.
Add sugar and milk to taste, just like custard, and serve with akamu and akara, plantain, bread, and so on.
Is it true that pap makes babies fat?
Corn pap is an excellent weight-gainer. This pap is made from millet, maize, and corn.
Some mothers become what Nigerians call kunun gyada. It is one of the most effective baby weight gain foods.
Is akamu a type of cornstarch?
Today’s recipe is for a type of corn pudding that is popular in Nigeria.
Local names for it include Akamu by the Igbos, Ogi by the Yorubas, and Pap in general in Nigeria. It is very similar to British custard, which is made from dehydrated cornstarch and flavoring
Can I combine egg and baby pap? Is akamu safe for infants?
Akamu is an excellent probiotic food for infants, children, and even adults.
Probiotics are foods that aid in the health of your digestive tract. They aid in the treatment of diarrhoea, stomach upset, and dysentery.
In older children and adults, fermented uncooked ogi can be used to quickly relieve stomach upset.
What are the health benefits of pap or Akamu?
Amazing source of energy
Pap is a good source of carbohydrates, which is one of the nutrients your body needs to function properly.
Carbohydrate-rich foods, such as pap, not only provide energy to your body but also promote mental sharpness and accelerate fat metabolism for energy.
Can I combine egg and baby pap? Is akamu safe for infants?
Akamu is an excellent probiotic food for infants, children, and even adults. Probiotics are foods that aid in the health of your digestive tract.
They aid in the treatment of diarrhea, stomach upset, and dysentery. In older children and adults, fermented uncooked ogi can be used to quickly relieve stomach upset.
What are the health benefits of pap or Akamu?
Amazing source of energy
Pap is a good source of carbohydrates, which is one of the nutrients your body needs to function properly.
Carbohydrate-rich foods, such as pap, not only provide energy to your body but also promote mental sharpness and accelerate fat metabolism for energy.
What are the benefits of consuming pap?
Pap aids in the maintenance of high blood pressure due to its high potassium content and lack of sodium.
Because of its high water content, pap aids in fluid restoration and dehydration prevention. It is extremely beneficial to someone suffering from diarrhea.
Is it safe to drink pap?
Many macro and micronutrients, including magnesium, phosphorus, dietary fibre, potassium, zinc, folic acid, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, and tryptophan, are found in akamu.
How many calories are there in Akamu?
It was also high in amino acids like tryptophan, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, and valine. One serving of pap contains 152 calories
Does akamu boost sp*rm count?
Akamu has been discovered to be an effective natural sp*rm booster.
Akamu (pap) or ogi is a Nigerian staple that can be eaten alone or with other foods ( akara, moimoi, porridge beans, fried yam and plantain, bread, etc)
Can pap cause weight gain? Can pap make you fat?
Obesity can be caused by eating a lot of carbohydrates.
Fhulufhelo Tshivhase (29), of Duthuni village, became overweight as a result of eating pap twice a day and drinking a lot of sugary drinks.
Is pap better for you than rice?
In this category, maize triumphs, corn contains vitamins A, E, C, and K, whereas rice is deficient in all of these nutrients.
Corn also contains more B vitamins, including B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B5 (pantothenic acid) in particular, except for vitamin B9 (folate).
Is pap healthy for the heart?
Because of its high potassium and zero sodium content, Pap is ideal for people with high blood pressure.
This aids in the reduction of blood pressure. It contains a lot of carbohydrates. This is an excellent meal for athletes.
Is pap good for the liver?
Oyedepo. Adeleke University, Ede, researchers have created a potential cure for liver diseases using omi ogi (pap water) and lemon.
Adeleke University, Ede, researchers have created a potential cure for liver diseases using omi ogi (pap water) and lemon
Is pap good for the kidney? Improves kidney health
Uric acid, urea, toxins, waste, and other potentially harmful substances can all harm this vital organ.
The good news is that drinking pap can assist in the elimination of unwanted elements from the body through urine, which can help you get rid of these substances.
When is the best time to drink pap? How to Make Perfect Ogi
There are numerous health benefits to taking pap in the morning, evening, and night. Taking pap at night will not cause you to gain weight or develop a large tummy.
It will not cause you to gain belly fat. Please enjoy your papa at any time of day. To make it more nutritious, you can even add milk.
What are the side effects of eating corn?
Here are some of the major corn side effects that you should be aware of:
- Allergic Reactions
- Risk of Pellagra
- Not Good For Diabetics
- Causes Bloating and Flatulence
- Causes Indigestion and Stomach Upset
- Causes Intestinal Irritation And Diarrhea
- May Cause Tooth Decay
- May Cause Osteoporosis
How can I make my sp*rm thick and strong? How to Make Sp*rm Thicker and Stronger
- Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle. There are many reasons why sp*rm is watery and of poor quality; but, the most popular is a sedentary lifestyle
- Exercise Daily
- Quit Smoking
- Avoid Certain Medications
- Take Plenty of Vitamin C
- Get Enough Vitamin D
- Indulge in Stress Relief
- Take Zinc
What is the composition of akamu? What is akamu made of?
Ogi, a Yoruba word for pap and popularly known as “akamu” by the Igbo is a simple Nigerian breakfast dish made from fermented corn.
In Nigeria, three types of corn are used to make ogi: white corn, yellow corn, and guinea corn. Yellow corn is used to make yellow ogi.
Is pap safe for diabetics?
Type 2 diabetics can continue to eat their mieliepap or maize meal porridge three times a day, but they will have much better control of their blood sugar levels, insulin levels, weight, and health if they cook their pap, cool it down, and then eat it with other low-GI foods.
Is maize meal pap good for losing weight?
No Fat: Also, pap contains fibre, another major reason I believe pap is good for weight loss and confirming my yes answer is that pap is primarily made from maize, which contains no fat but a high percentage of fibre that is best used for digestion and aids in weight loss.
Is pap good for cholesterol?
On the plus side, pap contains a good amount of chromium, zinc, magnesium, and other active ingredients that help reduce the body’s LDL cholesterol levels.
Chromium has been found in pap to be involved in lowering LDL cholesterol levels as well as inhibiting the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the body.
Is pap recommended for high blood pressure?
Long-term PAP treatment, as well as increased PAP hours in OSAHS patients, resulted in significant BP reductions not only in hypertensive patients but also in normotensive patients.
Is green maize good for diabetics?
If you have diabetes, you can eat corn. Corn contains energy, vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
It also has low sodium and fat content. However, follow the American Diabetes Association’s advice.
What role does akamu play in the body?
Immune system booster
Akamu (Ogi) contains all of the nutrients that the body requires.
It is high in protein, carbohydrates, fats, B-vitamins (vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5), iron, zinc, and other minerals needed for the proper functioning of your immune system
Pap water and fertility – What is the function of pap water in the body?
Drinking pap water helps to regulate the bacterial load in your system by ensuring that good bacteria outnumber bad bacteria.
As a result, digestive health and digestion are improved.
Enhances Heart Health:
The presence of antioxidants in corn pap water promotes heart health.
What kind of corn is best for pap?
Fresh corn cannot produce the proper starch for making akamu/ogi/pap. Yellow dry corn makes yellow akamu, and white (off-white) corn makes white akamu. You’ll need a lot of water to soak, wash, and sieve the corn.
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