How to Make Tuwon Dawa: Nigerian Guinea Corn Fufu
Tuwon dawa is indigenous to the northerners (Fulani’s & Hausas) in Nigeria and other West African countries.

I love Tuwon dawa fufu because I can use it as a substitute for Tuwon Masara/wheat/Amala/Eba food.
It is made from grounded Guinea corn and potash and comes out soft with a great taste.
It is not only recommended for babies as adults too need the entire nutrient it offers.
Tuwon Dawa: Health Benefits of Guinea Corn/Sorghum
- Guinea corn (which is the main ingredient in making Tuwon dawa) also known as Sorghum is a nutritional energy inducer.
- It contains protein and cellulose. Guinea corn offers some proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are very vital for human growth and development.
- This staple crop is a cereal grain that originated in Africa and eaten throughout the world. In Nigeria, the two types we have are red and white
- Guinea corn is a nutrient-rich grain that is often ground into flour to make bread, pancakes, porridge, casseroles, and various garnishes.
Low Carb Tuwon Dawa Recipe: How to Make Guinea Corn Fufu from Scratch
Guinea corn (sorghum) swallow is made the same way as the millet/wheat/amala Fufu.
Different from cassava and yam, the greater part of guinea corn is fiber, which is good for digestion and bowel movements
- Grounded Guinea corn
- A quarter teaspoon of potash (optional)
- Firstly, wash and dry the guinea corn a day before grinding. Ensure it is very dry.
- Then, turn into a container and take for dry grinding. Alternatively, you can still clean and grind without soaking in water first.
- Secondly, sieve the grounded flour to separate the smooth texture from the chaff and then, mix a little quantity of the guinea cornflour with cold water to form a light paste.
- After that, put on the burner, place a clean pot on it, and pour guinea cornflour paste into it.
- Add the potash and keep stirring both in anticlockwise and clockwise direction until the paste boils and thickens
- Then on low heat slowly add in guinea cornflour (the quantity to add depends on how light or heavy you like your swallow) and stir it in till you get your preferred consistency.
- Stir well to avoid forming lumps while it cooks for a little longer and becomes fluffy.
- Lastly, guinea corn swallow is ready. The cooked fufu is wrapped in cellophane (Bread) bags and left to cool
Serve with edikankong soup or any draw soup of your choice
Recipe Note
- Measure the quantity you can finish the same day, for the reason that when it sleeps over, it becomes watery and cannot be eaten again.
- If you like a stretcher feel for your guinea corn swallow, feel free to mix the guinea cornflour with plantain/ wheat flour before cooking.
Stay healthy, Stay safe