Ugu Leaf Juice Benefits~ How to Make Pumpkin Leaf Juice
Ugu Leaf Juice Benefits ~ How to Make Pumpkin Leaves Juice. Please Watch >>>>
Have you ever heard about the health benefits of Ugu Leaf Juice Benefits, Ugu vegetable leaves, or fluted pumpkin leaves?
The most common is to extract juice ugu leaves. Let’s have a look at how you can do it and discover the health benefits of pumpkin leaf juice.

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- 10+ Ugu Juice and Milk Benefits During Pregnancy/Fertility
Pumpkin or Ugu leaf juice is commonly used in African cuisine as an accompaniment to meat or as a natural substitute for fizzy beverages.
It contains a high concentration of vitamin D and minerals, making it extremely useful to your health.
It is also quite tasty, and many vegetarians choose Ugwu over other products, also [ez-toc]used in numerous desserts or even when preparing medicine.
Ugu Leaf Juice Benefits for Blood
The Ugu leaf, also known as pumpkin leaf, contains iron, which aids in blood circulation and relieves pain on “special days” in a woman’s life.
Nutritional Value of Fluted Pumpkin Leaves (Ugu)
Nutrients | Values |
Vitamin A | 7% |
Vitamin C | 240% |
Vitamin K | 136% |
Calcium | 3% |
Pumpkin leaves are high in vitamins. Vitamins A, C, calcium, and iron are the most beneficial.
However, another advantage of pumpkin leaf juice is that, while it is delicious, it is low in calories.
The amount of vitamins works well for all parts of your body. Vitamin A is beneficial to your vision.
Vitamin C benefits your skin, which implies that it helps your skin renovate and recover faster if you have any wounds or scars.
Pumpkin leaf also contains a lot of iron. Iron helps to keep our muscles healthy and transports oxygen from our lungs to other regions of our bodies.
This is referred to as hemoglobin. If you’ve ever had to deal with “anemia,” you know that this disease is caused due to iron deficiency.
Ugu leaf is high in vitamins and minerals, which help your body stay healthy and your skin keep smooth.
Fluted Pumpkin Seeds
The seed is found in gourds and is edible since it can be roasted or boiled for snacking. By drying and grinding it into fine particles, it can be used as a soup thickening in some situations.
The seeds are beneficial because they include oil (fats) as well as other essential minerals and nutrients such as protein, carbs, fiber, and others.
But how do you prepare healthy Ugu leaf juice?
There are numerous methods for incorporating Ugu’s leaves into meals. A shot of blended Ugu leaves may not sound appealing, especially to those with a sweet tooth.
However, a careful combination of a variety of fruits and fresh Ugu leaves can be converted into a pleasant healthy drink loaded with numerous health advantages >>>> pls see the video above
Health Benefits of Fluted Pumpkin Leaves (Ugu)
Fluted pumpkin leaves are a type of greenish leafy vegetable that is grown in Nigeria and other West African countries.
When boiled or prepared with meals, they are edible; they can also be consumed as a vegetable salad or juice when mashed as fresh leaves and the juice extracted.
In Yoruba, it is known as sokoyokoto, in Igbo as Ugu, in Hausa as kabewa, and Efik as Ikong-Ubong. It contains calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese, as well as vitamins C, A, B2, and E.
Below are some nutritional benefits of fluted pumpkin leaves or vegetables; Ugu leaf benefits
- Good Source of Dietary Fibre
- Maintains the Body Tissues
- Rich in Antioxidants
- Balances the Hormones
- Serve as an Anti-Diabetic Agent
- Improves Blood Production
- Improves the Bones and Teeth
- Treat Convulsion
- Effective for Weight Loss
- Promotes Fertility
- Can Improve Memory
Top benefits of pumpkin leaf juice for skin and body
Ugu Juice to Cure Typhoid Fever
Squeeze ugu vegetable into a glass cup with two local eggs, half tin milk, and two spoons of natural honey Mix together and drink. Three times each day, immediately following a meal.
Pumpkin Leaf Juice Recipe ~ How to Make Pumpkin Leaf Juice
It tastes more like an ugu smoothie than juice. The drink’s flavor is remarkable. To make it, a sieve and a blender are required to process the leaves.
This method of preparing juice is simple and only takes around 20 minutes.
- Take Ugu leaves and thoroughly rinse them with water to avoid contamination. Make sure that all insects are removed.
- The juice is prepared from raw Ugwu leaves, which are juicy and flavorful.
- After the leaves are washed, cut your Ugu leaves into little pieces to blend effortlessly.
- Add a small amount of water and blend until the leaves are smooth. This could take up to five minutes if you combine at high speed. It also depends on the type of blender or food processor you use.
- After 5 minutes, strain the juice through a strainer.
- By filtering away the fiber after blending the mixture, the above Ugu & fruit smoothie recipe can easily be converted into a juice drink.
- The juicy mass should be cooked for 90-120 seconds (optional), but it can also be consumed raw.
Fruits such as apples, bananas, strawberries, mangoes, grapes, oranges, melons, and avocados can be added to the Ugu smoothie/juice.
You can also combine more than one fruit to achieve more exotic flavors as desired.
Others prefer to combine their Ugu leave juice remedy with a full cup or tin of milk or malt bottle drink.
Your Ugu leaf juice is now ready to drink! Enjoy
Ugu Leaf Juice Benefits for Blood
How to prepare Ugu and Pineapple Juice ~ Ugu and Pineapple Juice Recipe
Serves 2
- Ugu (fluted pumpkin leaves) vegetable.
- 1 small pineapple.
- 2 limes.
- ½ cup of water
- Firstly, in a large mixing bowl, combine water and ugu leaves, then wash to remove any dirt or sand.
- Then, cut the pineapple into smaller chunks with a sharp knife and place them in a food processor.
- Thirdly, stir in the ugu leaves and lime juice.
- After that, blend the mixture until it is smooth.
- Lastly, refrigerate the juice for a few minutes before serving.
How to Make Ugu and Apple Puree
The same method as above, simply use apple in place of pineapple
Side Effects of Fluted Pumpkin Leaves
Fluted pumpkin leaves are generally considered safe because there have been no documented side effects.
Fluted Pumpkin leaves help to protect the body from disease and improve overall health.
As a result, it must form a part of our daily meals to gain these necessary benefits that it offers.
Ugu Leaves Juice as Blood Tonic ~ Benefit of Ugu juice and milk for blood. How True Is It?
When I and my siblings were kids, my mother would squeeze ugu (fluted pumpkin) leaves to make juice, which she would then mix with malt and give us to drink; we liked it.
She mixes this drink with our medication until we are fully recovered. When we asked, she said, “It gives blood.”
So, as an adult, I researched the juice and discovered that my mother may have been correct, so I continued the trend, not just when I’m sick, but also after menstruation and any other time I feel dizzy or stressed up
I must say that it’s a healthy drink, it tastes better when milk malt, or any other healthy fruit is incorporated
Also, it can be consumed fresh or slightly heated, but if you are confident of hygiene during preparation, I believe it is best consumed fresh.
ugu juice for blood ~ Is Ugu leaf good for blood?
Many people are turning to vegetables to boost their immunity and blood levels. Several studies have found that eating Ugwu (Telfairia occidentalis or fluted pumpkin) leaves can increase blood levels.
Does pumpkin leaf juice give blood?
Luteinized pumpkin leaves have been used to increase blood flow in the body.
Is pumpkin leaf good for blood?
It lowers blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure and can keep those who don’t have it from developing high blood pressure.
How does pumpkin leaf increase blood flow?
Mash the leaves and strain the mashed vegetable to collect the liquid/juice for consumption to help boost blood production.
In my opinion, milk is usually added to the juice before drinking as a sweetener. Ugu juice can also help to strengthen a weakened immune system.
Can I drink Ugu leaf juice daily?
Vegetable leaves also contain minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron.
Every person should drink half a cup of pumpkin leaf juice every day. So, let’s look at the advantages of drinking Ugu leaves juice.
Ugu leaf and malt ~ Squeeze Ugu Leaf, Add Malt and Milk to Get These Health Benefits
It can increase red blood cells in a short amount of time after consumption.
You can speed up the increase in red blood cells by mixing it with beverages such as malt drinks and milk. It is a natural way to quickly regain blood.
In ethnomedicine, fresh leaves sliced and mixed with coconut water and salt and stored in a bottle are very effective for treating convulsions.
Ugu juice and milk benefits ~ Pregnant women who drink Ugu juice mixed with milk have a far lower chance of having birth defects.
Ugu leaf and fertility
Consumption of fluted pumpkin leaves, also known as “Ugwu,” improves human reproductive capacity and fertility potential in both male and female individuals.
What are the advantages of consuming pumpkin leaf juice?
Pumpkin leaves are high in important vitamins like A and C.
While vitamin A improves vision and promotes healthy skin and hair, vitamin C aids in wound healing and scar tissue formation, as well as maintaining healthy bones, skin, and teeth.
Can you eat pumpkin leaves raw?
Pumpkin leaves are delicious in soups, stews, and sautéed dishes. They can be used in place of collard or turnip greens in any recipe.
Raw pumpkin leaves can also be eaten in salads. Choose only the smallest, youngest leaves for fresh eating because they will be the tenderest.

Is iron present in pumpkin leaves?
Pumpkin leaves have a high calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese content, which helps prevent chronic diseases.
The leaves are high in dietary fibers that benefit the immune and digestive systems, as well as important minerals.
Is it safe to eat pumpkin leaves if you have diabetes?
The hypoglycemic effect of pumpkin leaves helps keep diabetes under control by lowering blood sugar levels.
According to research, the aqueous leaf extract of pumpkin leaves has anti-diabetic properties that help diabetic patients reduce and regulate their glucose levels
Ugu Leaf Juice Benefits for Blood
How do you prepare pumpkin leaves to eat?
Cooking pumpkin leaves
Pumpkin leaves can also be lightly sautéed in olive oil and added to pasta dishes, blanched, or used in place of leafy green vegetables in other recipes.
Tender pumpkin leaves from young pumpkin plants can be thinly sliced and added to salads as well.
What is ugu called in English?
The plant is also known as a fluted gourd, fluted pumpkin, ugu (in Igbo), and ikong-ubong (in the Efik and Ibibio languages).