Health Benefits of Waterleaf Plant & Side Effects
Health Benefits of Waterleaf Plant & Side Effects. Please Watch >>>>
Amazing Health Benefits of Waterleaf Plant (Soup + Juice) & Side Effects – Waterleaf and Fertility, for skin care, water leaves the plant, pregnancy, nutritional value, botanical name, other local names in Yoruba, Igbo, and other Nigerian languages.

Talinum fruticosum – Botanical Name is a West African annual herbaceous perennial plant that may be found in most of Nigeria’s states, primarily in the south.
In Yoruba, it is known as Gbure; and as Mgbolodi in Igbo; it is regarded as Ebe-dondon in Edo, and generally referred to as Ceylon spinach, Florida spinach, Surinam Purslane, cariru, and more in English
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This vegetable is high in water and nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, crude fiber, lipids, crude protein, and others, making it nutritious and therapeutic in a variety of ways.
Nutritional Value or Nutritional Content of Waterleaf Plant
- Calories 23
- Total Carbohydrates 4g
- Protein 2g
- Total Fat 0.4g
- Trans Fat 0g
- Saturated Fat 0g
- Cholesterol 0mg
- Sodium 36mg
- Vitamin A 54%
- Vitamin C 47%
- Calcium 11%
- Iron 25%
Health Benefits of Waterleaf Plant
- Prevents disease atherosclerosis: This is a disease that affects the arterial wall where the growth of excess fat in the section can cause obstruction in the flow of blood to the heart and brain
•It acts as an anti-diarrhea
•It helps prevent thrombus by allowing red blood flow without a clot.
• Water leaves act as an antioxidant which helps prevent oxidative stress.
•It helps boost the immune system
•It reduces hypertension by lowering blood pressure.
• Water leaf plants prevent cataracts due to the presence of Vitamin C which increases the amount of blood flow to the eye.
•It maintains good eye health with its vitamin A content.
•It prevents cancer (anticancer), especially prostate cancer
• Water leaves help in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. - Prevents atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is a condition that affects the artery wall, causing excess fat to accumulate in the segment, and obstructing blood flow to the heart and brain.
- It has anti-diarrhea properties.
- It prevents thrombus by allowing red blood cells to flow freely without clotting.
- Water leaves are antioxidants that aid in the prevention of oxidative stress.
- It helps boost the immune system
- It lowers blood pressure, which lowers hypertension.
- The inclusion of Vitamin C in Waterleaf helps to prevent cataracts by increasing blood flow to the eye.
- It contains vitamin A, which helps to maintain good eye health.
- It is an anticancer agent that helps to prevent cancer, particularly prostate cancer.
- Water leaves to aid in the reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood.
- It helps prevent osteoporosis: a disease in which bones become porous owing to a lack of calcium.
- Waterleaf strengthens the bones and teeth
- It aids in the prevention of kidney and bladder stones.
- Water leaves increase the brain’s performance.
- Eating water leaves reduces stress in the body.
- Water leaves eating on a regular basis can aid to boost one’s mood.
- Water leaves prevent skin dryness, maintain skin moisture, make skin smoother, and inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme, which aids in pigment production in the skin.
- It promotes the formation of collagen, a protein that keeps skin supple.
- Water leaves contain vitamin C, which helps to prevent skin discoloration.
- It aids in the quick healing of wounds. Enhances mental performance
Water leaves, often known as a “blood pumping vegetable,” help the body produce more red blood cells.
* Beneficial to expectant mothers. In pregnancy, waterleaf is used to treat and prevent anemia.
Waterleaf Juice Plant
Most people aren’t familiar with water leaves juice because it’s primarily used in cooking soup and making smoothies and is a key vegetable in many Nigerian cuisines.
The juice of waterleaf is extremely good for one’s health and has been shown to be efficient in raising blood levels as well as treating a variety of ailments.
To Get the Juice
- Firstly, thoroughly clean the waterleaf to eliminate dirt and sand.
- Secondly, avoid plucking the leaves from the stem because they are both medicinal and contain varying amounts of minerals.
- Then, cut it into little pieces to make squeezing or pounding easier.
- After that, squeeze the liquid as hard as you can and sieve it.
Lastly, enjoy! some grinding machines, such as a blender, can also handle this work, but if none are available, the following approach should be considered.
Is Waterleaf Safe to Take During Pregnancy?
Waterleaf is commonly referred to as a “blood-pumping machine” since it is vital for the successful production of blood in the human body.
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It is beneficial to pregnant women since it helps to raise blood levels while also providing them with other essential nutrients.
Culinary Uses
African waterleaf plants are generally safe and healthy for humans. For culinary purposes, they are used to make waterleaf soup recipes, waterleaf stew or sauce, yam, salad, smoothies, and other dishes.
Also, water leaf is used in the southern region of Nigeria to make soups such as Edikang Ikong and Afang (popular in Cross River and Akwa Ibom), Mgbolodi Soup, and others.
Medicinal Use
Waterleaves have been deployed in a number of ways for a variety of medical purposes. Its juice, stem, leaves, and roots are all regarded as effective in this case because they have been shown to be useful in the treatment of measles.
It can also help with insomnia, anemia, malaria, arthritis, blood sugar control, and more.
It’s also used to treat diarrhea, strengthen muscles, and more.
This vegetable also aids in brain function, skin health, cancer prevention, bladder stone prevention, as well as more.
Disadvantages of Waterleaf Plant/Side Effects
People with kidney problems and gout, on the other hand, should limit their usage.
It works to relieve constipation in the same way that other vegetables do, but too much of it might produce stomach irritation and frequent stooling.
Waterleaf should not be overlooked because it offers numerous health benefits when consumed properly. Its high vitamin and mineral content make it one of the vegetables we should include in our daily diet for optimum health.
People also ask
What are the benefits of waterleaf?
Vitamin A is abundant in waterleaf. According to research, consuming a diet high in vitamin C lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and delays age-related cognitive decline.
With 31 milligrams per 100 grams of vegetable matter, waterleaf is a fantastic source of vitamin C.
What is the English name for waterleaf?
The herbaceous annual and perennial plant known botanically as (Talinum Fruticosum or Talinum triangulare) and popularly as “Waterleaf” has light green edible leaves.
Can I consume juice made from water leaves?
Drinking waterleaf juice has advantages. It is a good source of vitamins A and C, which help the body’s cells and tissues grow and heal themselves. Skin that is lovely and healthy as a result of the treatment.
The antioxidants in the juice are the perfect way to moisturize and lighten the skin.
Is waterleaf good for diabetes?
Due to the presence of Talinum triangulare, which is crucial for controlling diabetes mellitus, it controls blood sugar levels.
The strong nutritional value of this vegetable can aid in slowing down starch digestion and simple sugar synthesis.
It is important to remember that this is crucial for controlling type 2 diabetes.
Are water leaves beneficial to the liver?
The findings confirm that waterleaf has a significant level of antioxidant capabilities.
By reducing the concentration of the enzymes in the blood, the leaves of Talinum triangulare have demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of liver illnesses. Around the world, liver illnesses continue to be a leading cause of death.
What are the health benefits of bitter leaves?
6 Health Benefits of Drinking Bitter Leaf Juice
- Aids in Weight Loss. The components in bitter leaf juice make it great therapy for burning off that extra fat you have been looking at getting rid of
- Reduces Cancer Risks
- Enhances Fertility
- Lowers High Blood Pressure
- Aids in the Treatment of Abdominal Issues.
Does water leaf aid in shedding pounds?
The low calorie and high fiber content of waterleaf can aid in weight loss.
Waterleaf controls blood sugar levels, which aids in the treatment of diabetes.
Consuming waterleaf helps lower blood cholesterol levels since it contains soluble fiber.
Is spinach a waterleaf?
Common names for waterleaf include Sweetheart, Ceylon spinach, Surinam purslane, Philippine spinach, Grassé grand pourpier, Blatt-ginseng, Lustrosa-grande, and Ceylon spinach (USDA, NPGS 2020).
The average time from planting to harvest for the short-lived species waterleaf is only 30 to 45 days (Iren et al.)
Are waterleaf and watercress the same thing?
In this region of the world, watercress is the name for waterleaf. There are various variations, so choose carefully
Can water leaf cure cholesterol?
As it is supposed to lower excessive levels of cholesterol in people, waterleaf, a common green leaf vegetable in the Niger Delta, has been proven to provide medicinal and nutritional benefits for both humans and animals.
How do you preserve water leaves?
Waterleaf can be preserved by solar drying, freeze-drying, or oven drying.
Does water leaf give blood?
Waterleaf is frequently referred to as the “blood-pumping machinery” since it is essential to the body’s proper blood production.
Pregnant women benefit from it because it raises their blood pressure and gives them other essential nutrients that their bodies require.
How to Make Waterleaf Juice
To get the juice;
- Firstly, wash the waterleaf very well to remove dirt and sand
- Please, don’t pluck the leaves from the stem as both are medicinal and contain several degrees of nutrients.
- After that, cut it into tiny pieces to enable easy squeezing or pounding.
- Lastly, squeeze effectively and strain the juice.
How can your blood sugar be immediately lowered?
The quickest way to lower high blood sugar, sometimes referred to as hyperglycemia or high blood glucose, is to take fast-acting insulin.
Another quick and efficient technique to reduce blood sugar is exercise. In some circumstances, going to the hospital is preferable to taking care of it yourself.
Can you eat water leaf raw?
Waterleaf should only be eaten raw in moderation because it also contains hydrocyanic acid, and it should not be fed to cattle.
Since this vegetable includes nitrates and nitrites that are not destroyed by heating, it should not be used in infant diets.
Is waterleaf a medicinal plant?
(2010) discovered that waterleaf has a high concentration of tannins, alkaloids, saponins, and flavonoids, pointing to its potential health advantages.
These findings demonstrate that the leaves contain significant amounts of bioactive chemicals necessary for preventing and treating a variety of diseases.
Can you dry waterleaf?
Therefore, it is decided that the ideal way to dry waterleaf while preserving the majority of its nutritional and sensory qualities is in an oven set to 60 0C.
That concludes today’s session; Thank you for coming this far with me.
I hope your day went well.