Potato with Ram Porridge: A Special Eid El-Kabir Recipe
Potato with Ram Porridge – Eid el-Kabir, or Big Sallah, or Eid el-Adha as it is warmly called, is the period that Muslims sacrifice an animal, usually, a ram, or cow, to honor Great Prophet Abraham’s act of genuine obedience to the will of God.

Sallah is an occasion of celebration made obvious by the bleating of rams all over the nation and the mooing of cows.
Preparing Sallah meat (Ram meat) can be overpowering, particularly when thinking about the size and the techniques to serve it.
But don’t worry, especially if you would like to try something different during the Eid El Kabir holiday, because we’ve got some delicious recipes right up your alley.
So, let’s help you out with some inspiration.
Potato with Ram Porridge: Ram Meat Recipe Variations
Normally, Ram meat is usually prepared with Pepper soup, soup, rice, Ram Stew, Barbecue/Grilled, or even with Sweet Potato Pepper soup/Porridge which is what I will be sharing with you guys in today’s recipe
Potato with Ram Porridge Recipe
Potato with Ram Porridge is a delicious meal.
The sweetness of the sweet potatoes and the earthy flavor of the pepper soup spices tasted just as I imagined in my head that it would taste.
The delicious combination is simply amazing.
Potato with Ram Porridge Ingredients
- 1 kg Ram
- ½ Onion, chopped
- 3 Tablespoons Pepper Soup Spice
- 5 Medium-sized Sweet Potato
- 1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped
- 3 Carrots, sliced in circles
- A Red Bell Pepper, chopped
- 1 Teaspoon Salt
- A Teaspoon Cameroon Pepper
- 2 Goat Meat Seasoning Cube s
- A Handful of Scent Leaves, shredded
- 3 Cups of Water
How to Cook Potato with Ram Porridge
- Firstly, cut Ram into bite-able sizes and wash. And then, put in a pot, add onion, seasoning cube, salt, and stir to combine and cover it to steam.
- After that, don’t add water yet, the ram would release its juices, so allow it to do that for about 10 minutes.
- Thirdly, after like 10 minutes, add pepper soup spices, carrots, sweet potato, and the 3 cups of water. Cover and allow cooking.
- Then, wait like 15 minutes, add chopped peppers and stir together, allow cooking for another 5 minutes
- Lastly, add scent leaves, turn off the cooker, and allow simmering. The steam will cook the scent leaves.
Serve and enjoy!