Utazi Leaf Soup Recipe – Ofe Utazi | Utazi Leaf Benefits
Utazi Leaf Soup Recipe – Ofe Utazi Igbo | Utazi Leaf Benefits
Utazi Leaf Soup (Ofe Utazi recipe) is a type of Nigerian soup – a traditional Igbo delicacy prepared with Utazi leaf. The utazi leaf is common with pepper soup due to its slightly bitter taste.

Utazi leaf is bitter-sweet in taste especially when eaten fresh. It is normally used as a local spice and also as a vegetable for food preparations such as;
Nkwobi, unripe plantain pottage, Abacha food, local soups such as nsala (white soup), salads, sauces, and isiewu.
Moreover, some African countries like Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ghana, use the stems and fruits as chewing sticks
Utazi Leaf Soup – Gongronema latifolium (Utazi) leaves
Gongronema latifolium is the botanical name for a local leaf/herb called utazi by the Eastern part (Igbo/Ibo) of Nigeria.
The Western part of Nigeria calls this leaf arokeke and The Efik and Ibibio tribes name these leaves Utasi.
Utazi is a tropical rainforest plant mainly used as a vegetable, medicine, or spice by the people.
In some cases, the dried or fresh leaves are prepared as Utazi Soup – Ofe Utazi | Utazi Leaf Soup or as
Tincture (i.e. extraction in alcoholic beverages
When making utazi soup, you need to wash off some of the bitterness from the leaves before use, or else the soup will taste so bitter. The same technique is applied to bitter leaf soup.
Utazi Leaf Soup – Health Benefits of Utazi Leaf
Utazi plant is highly medicinal, which suggests why its health benefits cannot be understated.
It is used to relieve pains, treat Ulcers, worms, diarrhea, constipation, and it helps improve digestion, lower blood sugar as well.
The Utazi leaf and fertility: what is the effect? Utazi leaves are one of the most common leaves which can assist you not only to preserve a healthy body but to enhance your fertility.
Utazi Leaf Soup – Nutritional Benefits of Gongronema latifolium (Utazi)
Nutritionally, G. latifolium (utazi) is an exceptional source of protein and past studies indicate that G. latifolium (utazi) leaves are appropriate for use in food production because of their high amino acid contents.
How to Process the Utazi Leaves for Soup: This Can Be Processed In Two Ways
- Firstly, wash the leaves, place them in a bowl, and add very little water. Scrub between your hands till it breaks up and starts bringing out its juices.
- Alternatively, is to place the leaves in a blender with a little water and pulse about 3-4 times. Empty into a bowl and squeeze and rub.
- After that, the water will turn deep green, rinse, and strain through a very fine sieve.
- Subsequently, squeeze and rub again, rinse and strain. Do this several times till the water is no longer deep green. It all depends on how much of the bitterness you preferred.
- Lastly, squeeze out the water and set it aside. If you want the utazi to be stringy and very visible in the soup, please do not use the blender.
Utazi Soup – Ofe Utazi | Utazi Leaf Soup Recipe
Palm-nut juice or extract (Banga) is normally used for utazi soup but if you can’t get either the fresh or tinned one, you can use palm-oil.
Palm-nut juice can also be used for cooking onuigbu soup, oha soup, Banga soup, akwu stew, egusi soup, ofe akwu, etc.
How to prepare Utazi Leaf Soup (Ofe utazi)
- 2 cups processed palm nut juice extract
- Utazi leaves (enough to squeeze into 1/2 cup)
- 1 slice of yam
- Beef
- Stockfish
- 3 cups water + stock
- 2 tablespoons ground crayfish
- 3g-5g ogili
- 2 seasoning cubes
- Dry fish
- 2 scotch bonnet (fresh pepper)
- ½ teaspoon salt
- Firstly, wash, boil, pound, and extract the juice from the palm nut. The complete guide HERE. Boil the palm nut juice until it thickens to the desired. Take off the heat and set aside
- Secondly, peel and cut the slice of yam into cubes. Then, wash and place in a small pot with water and boil until tender.
- Thirdly, strain off the water and pound with a mortar and pestle, potato masher, or food processor until it comes together into a smooth, lump-free gluey mash.
- Fourthly, wash your meat and stockfish, place in a pot, season with salt and seasoning cube, and boil until tender.
- After that, soak the dry fish in boiling water for 2 minutes, drain and rinse properly with cold water, then, add to the pot of boiling meat and boil for 5 minutes.
- Now, pour in 2 cups of palm nut extract and bring to a boil. Add enough water to make up a total of 3 cups including the meat stock already in the pot.
- Add ground crayfish, crushed okpei, ground pepper, and seasoning cubes, stir and taste, add salt. Boil for about 5 minutes, stirring intermittently.
- Then, add pounded yam in tablespoon-sized lumps and keep boiling and once the soup thickens, remove any undissolved lumps of yam.
- Lastly, taste and correct seasoning, then add the processed utazi, stir and cook for 5 minutes and your soup is done.
Serve with any swallow of your choice, such as garri, pounded yam, oatmeal, semolina (semolina), etc.
FAQs about Utazi leaf soup
What is Utazi leaf used for?
Utazi leaves can be used to stimulate the digestive system. Utazi regulates the pancreatic activity and has the ability to control blood sugar.
The leaves can be used as a home remedy for dyspepsia, colic, stomach aches, constipation, dysentery, and intestinal worms.
utazi leaf for pepper soup utazi leaf is used as a vegetable in pepper soups
Is Utazi leaf good for Egusi soup?
For this soup, I used Uziza Leaf, which, if you don’t already know, is my favorite soup leaf. It adds the most amazing flavor and texture to soups, which I adore.
Apart from the ‘orisirisi’ I put in it, this is the main reason I enjoy this soup so much.
How do you use Utazi leaves?
Preparation methods Fresh leaves or stems can be chewed, and the sap can be extracted with water or palm wine.
The entire plant can be infused with either boiling water (as tea) or by boiling (decoction).
In some cases, dried or fresh leaves are made into a tincture (i.e. extraction in alcoholic beverages)
How do you use Uziza seed for soup?
These seeds are ground into a smooth powder and added to the soup. Because uziza seed has a slightly bitter taste, use a small amount at a time.
This creeping plant’s leaf is also used as a herb or vegetable in dishes, particularly okro soups like Uziza Okro soup.
What are the potential health benefits of Ukazi leaf?
Ukazi (afang), also known as Gnetum Africanum, has been used to treat enlarged spleens, sore throats, and nausea.
Ukazi also relieves constipation and aids in the control of blood sugar levels in diabetics
Is Utazi leave good for ulcers?
The advantages of Gongronema latifolium leaves (Utazi)
According to pharmacological studies, utazi has analgesic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-sickling, anti-oxidant, anti-asthmatic, antipyretic, hypoglycemic, and anti-inflammatory properties
Which is bitter Uziza or Utazi?
Utazi: How do I distinguish it?
Utazi is the only vegetable with the letter t in its name; it is heart-shaped and bitter
Is Utazi leaf good for the liver?
Utazi juice can help to improve overall liver function and keep it from overworking.
It helps in the treatment or prevention of other liver diseases, such as hepatitis, by using liver inflammation and reducing intoxication.
Can Utazi leaf be eaten raw?
When eaten raw or fresh, utazi is a heart-shaped leaf plant with a distinct, intense, bitter, and slightly sweet flavor.
It is well-known for improving the flavor of soups as well as having a number of health benefits
Is Utazi good for diabetics?
Abstract. One of the African folk medicines for diabetes mellitus is Gongronema latifolium, also known as “Utazi” in Nigeria.
Previous research supported its use by citing its antioxidant and glucose-lowering properties.
Is Utazi good for fertility?
A recent scientific study found that eating Utazi leaves increased the effectiveness of reproductive hormones and helped to increase low sperm count.
So, if you want to increase your fertility and be healthier, eat some Utazi leaves every day.
Does Utazi cure malaria?
Malaria, dysentery, and intestinal worms can all be treated with infused utazi leaves.
When the leaves are chewed raw or infused with hot water, they can provide quick relief for catarrh, congested chest, running nose, and cough
Does Utazi leaf affect pregnancy? Utazi and Fibroid
Avoid utazi during pregnancy to be on the safe side. Utazi contains a lot of protein, fatty acids, and amino acids.
These characteristics make them an excellent food supplement, suitable for use in food production and daily cooking.
The fruits of Gongronema latifolium can be used to make soup, which can be consumed as a laxative.
What conditions can Utazi leaf treat?
Medicinal Applications Constipation, dysentery, and intestinal worms are treated at home with an infusion or decoction of the entire plant (the leaves and stems
What is Utazi leaf used for? Is Utazi leaf good for the kidney?
The utazi leaf and scent leaf mixture is a liver, kidney, and body detoxifier. The process by which the body eliminates waste substances is known as detoxification.
The liver is the primary organ in charge of this. It may need some assistance from time to time in order to function properly.
Does Utazi leaf boost blood?
It balances circulation by strengthening the heart and lowering high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
It protects blood vessels from arteriosclerosis, platelet aggregation, and blood clot formation.
Is Utazi leaf beneficial to the heart?
Diabetes and Utazi Leaf
Hyperglycemia can harm the blood arteries that transport blood to vital organs, increasing the risk of death.
Utazi leaf has been shown in studies to help reduce blood sugar levels.
Can Utazi leaf help with blood sugar control?
One of the African folk medicines for diabetes mellitus is Gongronema latifolium, also known as “Utazi” in Nigeria. Previous research supported its use by citing its antioxidant and glucose-lowering properties.
What nutrients can be found in Utazi leaves?
The utazi leaves contain a high concentration of nutrients that are beneficial to pregnant women’s health.
The leaves are also high in calcium, sodium, copper, and potassium. In Nigerian traditional medicine, utazi and pregnancy are frequently combined.