Nigerian Christmas Recipes and Ideas: Best Foods this Season
Nigerian Christmas Recipes and Ideas: Best Foods this Season

Once again, it’s Christmas time. I can’t believe how fast the year has flown by. I’m so grateful that the most wonderful time of the year is here, and we can all take a moment to reflect on our blessings and look forward to another fantastic year ahead.
Christmas celebrationChristmas traditions in Nigeria is always a special event in Nigeria and around the world, as it commemorates our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s earthly birth.
I adore Christmas… a lot! There’s something about this time of year that soothes my soul-the food, song, the tree, the decoration. the air, and the party as well.
It’s the holiday season of joy, giving, sharing, and caring. From history, there are always several treats to look forward to during this time of year, especially the food.
My Nigerian Christmas Culture
Oh, yes!! Delicious dishes, including good rice meals, are one thing that helps me get into the Christmas spirit. Christmas would be incomplete without good dishes.
Many things come to mind when one thinks of a Nigerian Christmas. The first is the delectability of the foods (chicken, salad, rice) and the beverages that accompany them.
I’ve had to wonder what to make for Christmas in addition to the rice on numerous occasions. So, rather than contemplating, I’ve decided to put up a list of the best 10 Nigerian Christmas food recipes and ideas to make this festive season special for family and friends. You’ll thank me later.
So, if you’re planning on celebrating Christmas in Nigeria and aren’t sure what to cook, here are some Nigerian Christmas food suggestions.
Nigerian Christmas Foods: Christmas in Nigerian Tradition
Numerous dishes are ideal for the Naija Christmas season. Jollof rice is one of the most popular Nigerian Christmas dishes. It was also referred to as Nigeria’s national dish.
It is one of Nigeria’s most popular meals and a favorite for special occasions such as Christmas. It’s simple to prepare, especially on Christmas mornings when you need to have everything ready quickly before your guests arrive.
I’ve cooked a variety of foods for Christmas in the past. For Christmas last year, I made fried rice with chicken and veggie salad.
Fried Rice
Aside from Jollof rice, there is fried rice. It can also be used as a jollof rice alternative. This is an easy Nigerian Christmas food.
Simply cut the vegetables and make the stock, and you’re ready to go. Plus, it adds a splash of color to Christmas day and has a “fabulous” aroma.
This rice dish will put a smile on your guests’ faces and have them coming back for more.
Nigeria’s Best Christmas Food – Nigerian Christmas
So, what is the finest Christmas cuisine to prepare? That is a question I should be asking myself. What am I planning for the upcoming Christmas season? What kind of food should I prepare to make this Christmas one remember?
There are a variety of cuisines to pick from, but rice must be included somewhere.
Here are some rice meal examples: Nigerian Christmas Foods
I normally make any of the rice meals for lunch and then make a delicious traditional Nigerian soup for dinner.
Usually, rice is served with a well-prepared chicken (most families buy live birds about a week before Christmas and groom them until the big day…. Lol).
Your chicken can be fried, grilled, or roasted.
The rice should also include a vegetable salad as a side dish; it is a must-have for Christmas.
In Nigeria, you can cook whatever you want for Christmas. Combine fried rice, grilled or roasted chicken, and a vegetable salad for a delicious meal.
White rice can also be cooked and served with a hot chicken stew or sauce. Salad sauce, often known as salad stew, is a great Christmas recipe.
In Nigeria, white rice and Banga stew can be served as a Christmas meal. Prepare Banga soup with goat meat and serve with boiled white rice and fried plantain.
For Christmas, I don’t simply make any food; I make sure it’s exceedingly rich and incredibly delicious. It is also essential that you purchase high-quality ingredients.
For dinner, you can make egusi soup with stockfish and various meats. Then, instead of garri (eba), serve the egusi with Semo.
With these Christmas food ideas, I’m confident you’ll have a joyful Christmas. As I previously indicated, eating is an important part of Christmas in Nigeria. Great dishes make for a wonderful Christmas.
Remember to include vegetables.
Finally, don’t forget about the veggies. If you’re making tomato stew with white rice, don’t forget to include carrots and green beans.

That’s just simple turkey flesh in a tomato stew. Isn’t it simple? This Christmas, you can give it a shot. Three minutes before turning off the heat, slice the carrots and green beans and add them to the rice.
Pepper soup is a traditional way to celebrate the occasion. It’s typically served to end festive evenings following a long Christmas day.
List of Nigerian Snack Ideas for Christmas Entertainment
You can serve this as desserts. I don’t believe in celebrating special occasions without cakes and pastries.
Cakes, pies, Shawarmas, doughnuts, sandwiches, spring rolls, coated peanuts, pancake rolls, ChinChin, Puff Puff, sausages, easy-to-make cookies, etc. The list continues on and on.
They also make excellent Christmas gifts. Consider a little basket filled with homemade snacks for the guests.
Consider a little basket filled with homemade snacks for the guests.
Make your party beverages to make your Christmas celebration extra festive. There are many choices of drinks available, such as cocktails, milkshakes, orange juice, Zobo, kunu, fruit punch, lemonade, and other beverages. Last but not least,
Detox Water Recipes
It’s time to cleanse! This holiday season, serve colorful water to hydrate and detox at the same time.
I hope that these foods will help you and your family have a memorable and pleasant Christmas.
Here’s how to cook them: Fried Rice, Jollof Rice, and Vegetable Salad
What is your Christmas meal plan for this year? Please leave a comment below; I look forward to hearing from you.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!