
Apple Oats Smoothie for Weight Loss Recipe

Apple Oats Smoothie for Weight Loss


Apple Oats Smoothie tiktok | Weight Loss Apple Oat Smoothie | Is Smoothie Good For Weight Loss

Is it possible to lose weight by drinking a smoothie? Absolutely yes

They do aid with weight loss, without a doubt. Because they are low in calories and provide necessary nutrients, they are a good choice. Apple oats smoothie for weight reduction combines the benefits of fruits and nuts is one smoothie dish.

Apple oats smoothie for weight loss is a perfect drink for weight loss and for those who want to maintain a healthy weight, with a simple touch of lemon on this oat smoothie fatness will run away from you. This Smoothie is a great way to start the day!

It is a simple blend of fruits in oats that makes a good shake, it’s healthy and tasty as well, and you will definitely love this smoothie.

What is a smoothie?

A smoothie is a drink made from pureed raw fruit and/or vegetables, using a blender. A smoothie often has a liquid base such as fruit juice, dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, ice cream, or cottage cheese.

Smoothies are a must-have. They’re simple to prepare, tasty, and can be made in a variety of ways. When it comes to eating a nutritious breakfast or snack, a smoothie is a delicious option. Smooth and creamy, this Apple Oat Smoothie is packed with flavor. And because it’s made with ingredients you usually already have on hand, you can make it whenever you want something sweet, full, and refreshing.

Health Benefits of Apple Oats Smoothie for Weight Loss

This unadulterated apple oat smoothie calories comes under 300 calories and also helps with weight loss.

Oats are rich in fiber. Hence, helps with digestion. Together with your choice of milk: either dietary milk or plant-based milk like almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, etc.

Basically, apple-lemon oat smoothie helps to cleanse the body from toxins, in the same vein, prevents chronic diseases like heart attacks, strokes, and lowers the level of cholesterol in the body.

However, for those on a weight loss plan, apple and oats smoothie is a low-calorie drink that you can enjoy without counting carbs but, rather it helps you lose weight.

In general, Apple Oat Smoothie provides fiber and protein from oats, apples, and almond butter, as well as vitamins and minerals.

It has the ability to absorb fats, makes you full, thereby reducing craving, and helps you control what you eat.

Also, if you want to get your kids to eat a healthier breakfast, try this delectable smoothie. It’s sweet, but not too much, and it has a lot of great health benefits that you’ll be proud to serve up to your family.

It is wise to keep this drink healthy by omitting added sugar and using a low-calorie nutrient-rich substitute like honey and dates

Most importantly, you can replace one meal with this healthy Apple oats smoothie. It’s very nutritious and feels like a full meal.

Dates & apples add up the sweetness to the smoothie. If you want more sweetness in this smoothie, add natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup.

Apple Oats Smoothie for Weight Loss Recipe: How to make Apple Oats Smoothie for Weight Loss
Weight Loss Apple Oats Smoothie | No Sugar, Healthy Breakfast Recipe | with step by step description


  • 2 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of oats
  • Skimmed milk or (Non-fat Greek yogurt)
  • ½ cup of water
Method of preparation
  • Firstly, wash and cut your apple into small chunks, after that, squeeze the lemon and collect the juice then set it aside.
  • Then, in a blender pour in the oats, sliced apples, lemon juice, and add water.
  • Finally, blend all ingredients together until the consistency is smooth, at this point your weight loss smoothie is ready.

Serve and enjoy!!

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