
Assorted Rice Meaning: How to Prepare Assorted Fried Rice

Assorted Rice Meaning: How to Prepare Assorted Fried Rice

Assorted Rice Meaning Assorted Fried Rice
Assorted Rice Meaning Assorted Fried Rice
  • What does assorted rice mean? How do you make assorted fried rice?
  • Assorted Fried Rice Definition: Assorted Fried Rice is a term that refers to a variety of different types of fried rice.
  • Assorted rice meaning: Overview of Assorted Fried Rice

The assorted fried rice is a dish made up of fried rice with a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, beef, chicken, sausage, or fish, which gives it a unique appearance and flavor.

Assorted rice meaning

This isn’t the same as the fried rice we’re used to. It’s a delicacy that can be found on the menus of a variety of restaurants near you and is a wonderful lunch or dinner option.

In your spare time or for a special event, try making varied fried rice or assorted jollof rice at home.

As a result, stick with us as we learn a unique take on this traditional Ghanaian fried rice recipe.

Ingredients for assorted fried rice
  • 2 cups of long-grain rice
  • Carrot (1)
  • Spring onions (2)
  • Eggs (3)
  • Green bell pepper (1)
  • Sausage (3)
  • Chicken breast
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Green peas
  • Cucumber
What Could Assorted Fried Rice Be Served with – Assorted rice meaning 

Assorted fried rice can be served with fried or grilled chicken, fish, pepper sauce, or ketchup.

Assorted fried rice recipe: Steps to prepare assorted fried rice
  • Firstly, wash the rice and cook it over an open flame for about an hour.
  • Secondly, arrange carrots, spring onions, green bell pepper, cucumber, and sausage on a platter in a finely chopped state.
  • Thirdly, cut the chicken breasts into thin strips and wash them in lemon water before setting them aside.
  • Then, season the chicken with salt and pepper, as well as a pinch of curry powder.
  • Now, crack the eggs into a small mixing basin and whisk them together.
  • After that, remove the rice from the heat when it is done. Then, heat a frying pan and add a small amount of oil to it.
  • Meanwhile, fry the seasoned sliced chicken until it browns or gets tender and cooked in the oil.
  • Then toss in the beaten eggs, veggies, and sausage and cook for a few minutes.
  • After that, combine some of the cooked rice with the vegetables in a large mixing bowl.
  • Stir in some soy sauce until everything is nicely combined.
  • Then, remove from heat after a few minutes of tossing and frying.
  • Lastly, transfer to a plate and serve

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