
Funje | Angolan Traditional Cassava Flour (Tapioca) Pudding

Funje Recipe is a common side dish in Angola made of cassava flour whisked into boiling water.

This classic food is the main accompaniment to many dishes be it breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals in many kitchens of rural folks all over the country.

Funje - Angolan Traditional Cassava Flour
Funje – Angolan Traditional Cassava Flour

Funje, Funge, Fungi or Funji, whatever you call it has a smooth and creamy mashed potato-like consistency that is perfect for wonderful spicy kicks off in many Angolan stews.

The perfect proportions for making good this tapioca food is in a ratio of 2:1, water to cassava flour.

Funje, the Classic Pudding from Angola

Angola is a country in the Central African region of the African continent. Its capital city is Luanda

The country’s colonial history is reflected in its Portuguese-influenced cuisine. Funje is one of the famous Angolan foods. It is cassava flour porridge.

Funje Recipe

This recipe can be prepared in two different ways:

  • Modern Method
  • The Traditional Method


  • Fufu (known as cassava flour)
  • Water

The Modern Method

  1. Firstly, preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Secondly, bring 4 cups of water to a boil on the stove. Make sure to do this in a pot with a lid.
  3. Thirdly, put 2 cups of cassava flour in a bowl, wet with cold water, and then combine thoroughly.
  4. After that, allow the water to boil, and then add the pre-mixed flour and water into the boiling water, and whisk to combine.
  5. Now, continue to whisk until the mixture is lump-free.
  6. Lastly, cover with a lid and place in the oven for about 45 minutes.

Traditional Method

  1. Using the same 2 to 1 ratio, firstly bring the water to a boil on the stove.
  2. Secondly, while boiling, remove the pot from the stove. Holding the pot firmly, gradually pour the cassava flour into the water
  3. Then, whisk as fast and as hard as you can with a spatula until the mixture is completely smooth.
  4. Lastly, put little water around the pot and transfer back to the stove on low heat for a minute. A lumpy free funje is super.

Enjoy right away! Served funje on its own or with other main meals.

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