Igbo Food | List of Igbo Foods | Types of Igbo Culture Food
Cooking and eating Igbo food is quite simple. Igbo tribe is one of the three major Nigerian tribes, and you’ll learn a lot about all the unique Igbo recipes, including my personal favorites and step-by-step instruction for cooking these cultural foods
I have also added a video of the top 15 best Igbo soups to assist you in understanding Igbo ethnic delicacies. Please Watch >>>

What is Igbo traditional Food? History
Soups are at the heart of Igbo cuisine. Ofe Oha, Onugbu, Egwusi, and Nsala are some of the most popular soups (White pepper soup). The Igbos’ basic diet is yam (pre-colonial Igbo food), which they eat boiled or pounded with soups.
Igbo Food | List of Igbo Foods | Igbo Culture and Food Review
The Igbos are one of Nigeria’s three major ethnic groups with their own customs, traditions, and music, but today it’s important we focus on the food presented in Igbo culture.
Women are traditionally regarded as the masters of the kitchen in Igbo culture.
Vegetables, legumes, maize, cocoyam, cassava, and yam are among the Indigenous traditional diets.
Cereals are also one of the most important sources of nourishment for the Native population.
Many dishes are associated with Igbo people’s main cuisines, such as Nni Oka, Nni Akpu, Nni Ji, Onugbu, Okazi, Achi, Oha, and others.
Furthermore, not only Igbos but all Nigerian tribes, enjoy this type of meal. Hence, in this essay, I will concentrate on the Igbo cuisines consumed by the Ndi Igbo Nigerian tribe.
I’ve had several emails from foreign ladies married to Nigerian men, asking what to make for dinner if married to a Nigerian man.
“I am married to an Igbo man, what should I make for breakfast?” stuff like that.
Solved! Well, today I got you covered so look no further on ancient Igbo Food recipes!
At the top of our home page, I listed the most popular and widely accepted Nigerian meals, and here I’d want to focus solely on what Igbo people (men, women, and children) enjoy eating.
If you’re dating or married to a Nigerian man, or if you know someone from the Igbo ethnic group, here are some of their favorite foods.
Of course, they’d appreciate practically any perfectly prepared Nigerian dish, but a surprise treat would certainly catch them off guard.
I’d go through the process of listing them and then include a link to the individual pages where you can learn more about each dish recipe.
I’ve prepared a page about all of the many types of soups eaten in Nigeria, but I’m going to divide them right now. I’m going to start with different types of Igbo soups, then move on to other Igbo dishes at the bottom of the page.
Ready! Let’s Get Started with this video on Igbo soups >>>
Nigerian foods with their Igbo food names ~ Let’s take a look at the food list in Igboland – Top 10
List of Igbo Foods
Igbo Soups
- Oha soup
A combination of fufu and uha soup is the first item on my list of Igbo cuisine. Oh, how I like this traditional Igbo delicacy!
Fufu and oha soup is a substantial meal, and the optimal time to eat it is in the afternoon or four hours before bedtime, though we never followed any of those rules while living in the village.
We used to eat whenever we felt like it when we were young, but that is no longer the case.
To understand more about oha Soup and Fufu, click on the link below >>>
Oha Soup: How to Cook Nigerian Ora Soup
- Ofe Onugbu

Fufu can also be served with Nigerian bitter leaf soup, which can be prepared in a variety of ways. The Igbo prefer to create this soup using cocoyam, called (ofe ede) in the Igbo Language, and it is one of the most popular Igbo soups.
Need I mention here that the way Yorubas value Amala and Ewedu soup is exactly the same for the Igbos when it comes to Akpu na Ofe Onuigbu especially from Anambra state man.
Check out the complete recipe for making Bitter Leaf Soup >>>
Bitter Leaf Soup (Ofe Onugbu) | How to Cook Nigerian Soups
- Okro Soup
Another native Igbo food (soup) is Okra soup. This is actually one of the easiest and cheapest Nigerian soup, with 2 dollars – One thousand Nigeria Naira (1,000), you make a sizeable pot of okra soup
Check out the links below to make Nigerian Okro Soup >>>
- Okra Soup | How to Make Simple Nigerian Okra Soup
- Gombo Sauce: A Traditional African (Ivorian) Okra Soup Recipe
Popular Igbo Dishes
Here are some more popular Igbo delicacies; these two, in particular, are particularly special to the Igbo people; they are African salad and nkwobi; I like them as well, and you can make them at home with the recipe on this site
- Nkwobi
Here is how we dress and serve Nkwobi in Igboland
I’ve gotten a lot of requests about how to cook Nkwobi, an Igbo popular food, during the last few months.
You will find a very detailed guide here. We make Nkwobi with cow foot, but almost any kind of meat could now be used in making this Igbo delicacy.
Learn how to make Nkwobi >>>
Nkwobi: Easy Ibo Spicy Cow Foot Delicacy to Die for
- Abacha Igbo food (African Salad) – One of Anambra traditional foods – a street food and snacks
The second dish is an African salad (also known as Abacha, Ugba, or Jakwu). I had never enjoyed this Igbo dessert or thought of it as one of the Igbo meals until my mother came up with a fantastic recipe. On this page, I followed my mother’s instructions to the latter; we Igbo girls learn how to cook from our mothers. This Igbo food and the dressing is a write-up for another day.
Besides, I included a video with the instruction on how to make African Salad (Jakwu, Abacha).
- Abacha Food (African Salad) | Health benefits | Side Effects | Recipe
- How to Make African Salad (Abacha and Ugba / ukpaka)
- Ukwa (African Breadfruit)
The next dish I’d want to discuss is African breadfruit (ukwa), which most people are unfamiliar with. With a simple recipe for Ukwa – African breadfruit – I attempted to provide a full solution to that query. It’s a popular Nigerian Igbo cuisine and the article included is all you need to know about the health benefits of African breadfruit and why you should include it in your diet
Other Igbo delicacies
There are other Igbo dishes that I will add to this website as I remember them or as they are discovered.
- Yam served with Fish Pepper Soup
In the Igbo language, it’s known as Yam pepper soup or Ji mmirioku. The Igbo people celebrate Yam every 12 calendar months. It’s called Iri Ji ofuru or the New yam festival.
This yam is considered one of the tastiest dishes in the land by the Igbo people. In the culture of Igbo dishes, yam with fish pepper soup might be served as a starting meal. This product is not advised for breakfast due to its spicy flavor.
One of the most calorie-dense foods is yam paired with fish pepper soup. It’s high in carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins B6 and B1. The cooking technique for this soup is fairly straightforward; all you need to do is keep the following items in mind. Tomatoes, carrots, onion, oil, seasoning, and yam
Firstly, prepare the ingredients in the same manner as you would the soup. After that, add the pre-cooked fish and then, pepper to taste. Lastly, remember that your fish should be thoroughly prepped for this soup.
- Beans and agidi – A street food and snacks
Agidi is a part of it as well. I really like the way it’s presented here.
Click below for How to make Agidi (eko) video
The bottom line on Igbo Food
Igbo culinary culture is not confined to these dishes, but these are the ones that have made Igbo cuisine famous. Igbos are masters of food preparation and dressing.
As a result, if you want to explore new vivid flavors, you should go to Igboland. Traditional foods with health benefits, combined with indigenous culture will create the ideal setting for dining.
Finally, what are some of your favorite Igbo dishes? Leave a comment with your thoughts about Igbo food. I will be glad if you include the Hausa Language name for each food mentioned.
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