Guayaba Fruit (Guava) Benefits
Guayaba Fruit (Guava) Benefits
The Guayaba is a delicious fruit popular in the Spanish language community, but it goes by many other names around the world.

It’s referred to as “guaba” in Japanese and “marathi” in Peruvian.
Guayaba Fruit in English
You may be more familiar with the term “guava” in most English-speaking countries.
These Mexican fruit guayabas are native to Mexico, Central America, and South America. It has light-green or yellow skin and bright pink or white flesh. The guava guayaba fruit is also known for this.
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Guayas fruit has existed for many generations. Their trees, it provides energy, sustenance, and shelter.
This article will cover the history, flavor, and recipes for using guayaba as a show-stopper ingredient.
What Is Guayaba? What is a Guayaba Fruit?
Guayabas fruit is a fruit with over twenty different varieties that is primarily tart and only lightly sweet.
On your Central or South American travels or in your local grocery store, you’re most likely to come across seven varieties.
Guayaba fruit comes in two distinct colors.
There are two types of guayaba fruit: red/pink and white.
When we talk about the color, we’re referring to the inside of the fruit.
Pink guayaba is more common on the east coast of the United States.
On the west coast, the white guayaba is more common.
The pink color comes from the presence of more carotenoids in red/pink guayaba.
Pink guayaba also contains more water, less vitamin C, and less sugar than green guayaba. Pink guayaba may also have fewer seeds or be completely seedless.
One yellow guayaba is also present. Inside a yellow skin is yellow flesh. It has a lemony flavor that is sweeter than most lemons.
On the guayaba fruit scale, they are also on the smaller side.
Guayaba history
Guayabas was first used by the Arawak Indians, according to Home Stratosphere.
Guayaba is derived from the Arawak word “guaiaba,” which means “fruit.” It belongs to the Myrtaceae family of plants.
It has edible seeds inside. (However, some people may find eating the seeds unpleasant.)
Guayaba originated in South and Central America, but India is the primary producer.
Guava trees do not grow well in the United States because they require a tropical climate to thrive.
Guayaba plants can be found in Hawaii, Florida, California, and Texas, according to Gardening Know How.
Guayaba Fruit Benefits ~ Health Benefits
Both the fruit and the leaves of the guayaba are beneficial to your health.
The guayaba leaf extract alone has a lot of health benefits.
Extract of Guayaba Leaf
The effects of guayaba leaf extract on blood sugar levels have been studied in humans and animals.
The findings show that the extract can reduce blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, according to Healthline.
The reduction of blood sugar levels isn’t the only benefit to the heart.
Guayaba leaves are high in potassium, which is good for your heart.
According to a PubMed study, adding guayaba to one’s diet can lower blood pressure and increase antioxidant vitamins.
Ingesting guayaba leaf extract can also help women with their monthly cycle. Guayaba leaf extract, at 6 mg per day, significantly reduced menstrual pain in this study.
Period pain relief isn’t the only advantage of being on your period.
Acne can be helped by applying guayaba leaf extract directly to the affected area.
A Must Read Articles on Guayaba Fruit
- Guava And Soursop Infusion for Ovarian Cysts – True/False?
- Guava Season: When Is Guava in Season? Top Facts & Tips
- How to treat Guava Worms: Management & Pest Control
- Benefits Of Guava Leaves for Fertility, Weight Loss & Health
- Benefits Of Soursop and Guava Leaves Tea for Fibroid
Fruit of Guayaba
Guayaba fruit is a low-calorie, tasty snack, like most fruits. They’re high in vitamins, and you can feel good about your food choices if you eat a guayaba instead of a more calorie-dense snack.
When it comes to vitamins, Guayaba is one of the most vitamin C-rich fruits available.
Guayaba has nearly double the amount of vitamin C as an orange. This means that eating tropical fruit can help boost your immune system and shorten the duration of a cold.
Guayaba is high in fiber, making it an excellent addition to your diet for bowel regularity.
You can reduce your chances of constipation by eating guayaba fruit.
Other Advantages:
- Immunity Booster
- Reduces Cancer Risk
- Suitable for diabetics
- Cardiovascular Health
- Guava during pregnancy
- Beats Toothache
- Treats Constipation
- Improves Eyesight
- Stress reliever
- Brain booster
- Weight loss
- Cold and Cough
- Anti-Aging Properties
- Enhances Complexity
- Texture Enhancement
Is Guava Safe to Eat While Pregnant?
Possible pregnancy advantages
Guava is high in nutrients and plant compounds that can help you have a healthy pregnancy and avoid complications.
Despite its widespread use in traditional and folk medicine, few clinical studies on the effects of guava and its extracts in humans have been conducted.
While guayaba fruit trees provide excellent shade in warm-climate gardens, they are also grown for their fruit. Guava is a large berry with many different colors and flavors. The fruit can be eaten raw or juiced, and it can also be made into jams and jellies.
Here are some guava tree varieties to think about for your garden:
Malaysian red
This cultivar is ideal for adding a splash of color to your garden. It has red fruits, red-tinged leaves, and bright pink flowers that are quite showy.
White tropical
The flesh color of guava fruits is often used to classify them, and this one is white. ‘Tropical White’ produces a tender, sweet fruit with a pleasant aroma and yellow skin.
Cream from Mexico
This white-fleshed cultivar is also known as ‘Tropical Yellow.’ The fruit is creamy and sweet, making it ideal for desserts. In comparison to other cultivars, the tree grows upright and does not provide much canopy spread.
Guava strawberry
This is a different tree species, but it produces guava fruits that are named after their flavor. This is an excellent eating fruit with a strong strawberry flavor.
Guava with lemon
This tree, which is related to the strawberry guava, produces fruit with a distinct flavor. The fruits are yellow in color, with a yellow flesh and a guava and lemon flavor. The tree is smaller than other guava varieties.
This fruit is unique in that it is the only yellow-fleshed guava cultivar. It’s currently difficult to come by, but if you do, you’ll be rewarded with large yellow fruits with a firm texture.
Guayaba Fruit Nutrition
One guava contains more than twice the daily recommended Vitamin C intake. Guava is high in Vitamin C and also contains a variety of other nutrients, including:
- Iron
- Calcium
- Vitamin A
- Potassium
Serving Size Nutrients
One guava contains the following nutrients:
- 37 calories
- 1 gram fat
- 0 milligrams cholesterol
- 1-milligram sodium
- 8 grams of carbohydrates
- 3 grams of fiber
- 5 grams of sugar
- 1 gram protein
Sizes of Portion
One guava equals one of the 4-5 daily fruit servings recommended. Guava, like many other fruits, contains a significant amount of sugar, so it’s important to keep your sugar intake in check. Sugar consumption in excess can cause issues such as weight gain and tooth decay.
How to Make Guava Juice
Place the guava on a cutting board and cut it in half to eat it fresh.
After that, you can either slice it like an apple or scoop out the fleshy part of the guava fruit with a spoon like an avocado. Although guava rind is edible, some people dislike the taste.
Guava can be eaten raw or cooked, and it can be used in a variety of recipes.
The guava fruit is delicious in smoothies, salads, juices, and salsas. Guava can also be cooked and is used in a variety of baked goods, such as:
- Bread
- Muffins
- Breakfast Cakes
Ways to Highlight Guayaba
Guayabas are extremely adaptable fruits. They can be used in jams, juices, or baked goods, and they can also be eaten raw.
Here are different ways to eat guayaba: How to eat guayaba fruit ~ Guayaba fruit how to eat
- Guayaba popsicles are refreshing in the summer, and the jam is delicious on toast in the morning.
- Guayaba can be eaten raw, just like an apple! If you want, you can eat the rind and seeds.
- Make a guayaba glaze for shrimp or pork, or bake it into a pie or cookie for a delicious dessert.
- Indian Guayaba cheese is more like a fruit-based fudge than a cheese!
- Guayaba can be used in cocktails such as sangria and margaritas.
- Make your own guayaba juice for breakfast, or pick up Goya Guayaba, a delicious pre-made drink that you simply shake, then pop the top and drink!
- Amigo Foods’ LA FE Pasta de Guayaba, which goes great with cheese, is a great option.
- To serve with fish tacos, make a guayaba-based salsa.
- Beliscao de Goibada, Brazilian Guayaba Cookies
Risks and side effects
Trusted review from 2017 There are no known side effects from eating guava fruit, drinking guava leaf tea, or taking guava leaf extract supplements, according to research.
There is, however, insufficient evidence to rule out the possibility. Any remedies or supplements that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may have negative side effects.
Before taking guava leaf extract, anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a doctor.
It is unknown if this extract interacts with medications. Before trying a new remedy, anyone who takes medications on a regular basis should consult a doctor.
Guava preparation
Some people like guava slices on their own or with yogurt. Others blend the fruit into smoothies or make herbal tea with guava leaves and boiling water.
- Buuelos with spiced guava syrup
- Banana guava smoothie
- Guava and sweet cheese crepes are some guava recipe ideas.
Supplementing with guava
Guava leaf extract is found in many dietary supplements sold in health stores.
These are usually taken once a day, but the manufacturer’s instructions must be followed.
Before starting any new dietary supplement, talk to your doctor, especially if you’re trying to treat a specific health problem.
Try this Panetela de Guayaba recipe if you want to get your hands dirty and make a guayaba-infused dish for yourself.
- 12-pound cream cheese
- 8 oz (226 g) guayaba/guava paste (I like Conchita Guava Paste from Amigo Foods.)
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- powdered sugar
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (176 degrees Celsius). 14-inch thick slices of cream cheese and guava paste In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt.
- Cream together the butter and sugar in a separate bowl until light and fluffy. Before adding the vanilla extract, add the eggs one at a time.
- Stir in the flour mixture until it is completely combined. Spread half of the batter across the bottom of a greased baking pan.
- Arrange guava paste slices in an even layer across the dough. Add a layer of cream cheese on top of that.
- Spread the remaining dough over the top of the pan. Cover the cream cheese and guava paste completely.
- Cook for 40-50 minutes at 350°F. Allow for cooling before cutting and serving.
Guava Tea Recipe
Follow this recipe to make a cup of fresh guava tea.
This time, instead of your usual juice, make guava juice for breakfast.
Salads with guava cubes are bright and colorful.
Make sure to choose guava that is fresh, ripe, and free of blemishes. Our guide to picking guavas will assist you.
Guava Uses/Applications
The fruit can be eaten raw, juicing it and drinking it as a beverage, slicing it, putting it on top of ice cream, jams, and jellies, or including it in your next veggie or fruit smoothie.
Guava cubes can also be used to make a healthy breakfast salad. Here are some ideas for incorporating guavas into your diet.
Are guava seeds edible?
Guava seeds can be eaten without causing any harm. People eat the seeds on purpose because of the high fiber content, which aids digestion.
If you don’t want to eat the seeds, you can blend them into a juice or a smoothie to reap the benefits. Guava ice cream is another excellent way to enjoy fruit as a dessert.
Caution: There are no known side effects associated with guava and its supplements.
Medicines containing a high concentration of guava extracts, on the other hand, may not be safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Before adding it to your diet as a supplement, talk to your doctor.
Warnings and Special Precautions
Guava is LIKELY SAFE to eat during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
There is insufficient reliable information to determine whether guava is safe to use as medicine while pregnant or breastfeeding.
To be safe, stick to the food amounts until more information becomes available.
Guava leaf extract may exacerbate eczema. Guava leaf extract contains chemicals that can irritate the skin, especially in people who suffer from eczema.
Use guava leaf extract with caution if you have eczema.
Guava may help lower blood sugar levels.
If you have diabetes and consume guava, keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.
Guava may help lower blood sugar levels.
Guava could theoretically increase bleeding risks or interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgical procedures.
Stop taking guava medicine at least two weeks before your surgery.
Guava dosage is by a number of factors, including the user’s age, health, and other circumstances.
There is currently insufficient scientific evidence to determine an appropriate dose range for guava.
Keep in mind that natural products aren’t always safe and that dosages are crucial. Before using, make sure to read the product label and consult your pharmacist, physician, or other healthcare professional.
Questions Frequently Asked
Is guayaba similar to guava?
Guava is a tropical fruit that grows best in hotter climates. The only distinction between a guayaba and guava is that they both refer to the same plant. Guava is a sweet fruit that grows best in tropical climates and warm environments all year.
What does the English word guayaba mean?
Perhaps you’ve recently noticed an unfamiliar smallish, rounded, yellow fruit in your local grocery store. They’re Mexican guayabas or guavas in English.
Can I take Guayaba during Menstruation?
Menstrual cramps may relieve by taking supplements containing guava leaf extract. According to the findings of a 2007 study, taking guava leaf extract supplements may help women with primary dysmenorrhea relieve their menstrual pain.
Who can’t eat guava?
People who are prone to colds and coughs: Guava is best consumed in between meals, but according to a report in TOI, this fruit should not be consumed at night as it can cause colds and coughs.
Toothache: If you already have toothache, you should avoid eating this fruit. Ripe amrood is a no-no.
After eating guava, can we drink water?
Because drinking water after eating guava can cause stomach gas or sharp pain in the short term. Guava seeds are to blame. You eat guava with seeds to get the most out of it…
However, drinking water after eating guava affects the digestion of the seeds and causes stomach pain.
Is guayaba delicious?
Guava has a distinct, sweet flavor that is almost universally enjoyable. Many people compare it to a cross between a strawberry and a pear.
The sweetness of the fruit varies depending on the type.
Conclusion on Guayaba Fruit
Guayaba, also known as guava, is a delicious and nutritious fruit.
It goes well with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can even incorporate it into your daily routine.
Adding guayaba to your existing recipes will give your meal a taste of Central and South America.
Guava is an old remedy for a variety of ailments.
According to preliminary research, compounds found in guava leaf extract may help with a variety of illnesses and symptoms, including menstrual cramps, diarrhea, the flu, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
Scientists will need to conduct more human studies to confirm and better understand these findings.